Foreign Affairs

The only democracy in the Middle East and a decades-long ally of the U.S. with a supportive voting record in the U.N. to boot, now faces a hostile President Obama determined to bring Israel to heel before he is out of office...
On March 25, the President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, spoke before a joint session of Congress to provide an update on the progress of his nation. The purpose of his visit highlighted the need to reflect on the mistakes...
Since 2009, America’s security has been imperil due to the feckless nature of Obama and much of his foreign policy team, including John Kerry and his predecessor, Hillary Clinton. America is less safe today than when Obama...
Within the last year, Mr. Putin has flagrantly and deliberately violated the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, the Budapest Memorandum, and the Minsk Protocol.
WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Congressman Lee Zeldin, R-NY-1, today sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry asking for information regarding media reports that U.S.
Around 11 a.m. on January 7, on a cold winter day in Paris, France, two men armed with AK-47s forced a woman entering the offices of a French newspaper to let them in.
In response to the Palestinian Authority’s attempts to dictate terms to Israel at the recent United Nations Security Council, I released the following statement in defense of Israel:It is a sad day for the United States and...
Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) released the following statement Wednesday in response to President Obama’s announced policy changes regarding the U.S. and Cuba.Alan Gross should never have been held prisoner by...
When President Obama meets today with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he has an opportunity to revitalize the partnership between the world’s oldest and largest democracies.This past weekend, I had the honor of speaking...
Today we mark the thirteenth anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on the U.S. in American history. America will never forget the thousands who lost their lives and loved ones on that day in 2001. I will never forget...
Non-proliferation used to be the policy of America and the West. It has not been completely successful, but has worked okay.
Ted Cruz recently showed how to deal with climate change alarmists and extremists by simply arguing, “Follow the science.”
The Democrats are starting to rethink their Hillary Clinton option, but she is still their leading candidate for President. The question is, “What will a Clinton foreign policy look like?” The conventional wisdom is that...
The Obama administration must stop the handwringing that has characterized the president’s foreign policy and immediately provide lethal military assistance to Ukraine. After failing for nearly a year to change Russian...
On Thursday, I introduced two bills to protect our national security and support our men and women in uniform.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims of the terrorist attacks carried out by radical Islamists in France. Sunday, the world leaders of some of our closest allies in Europe and Israel attended a unity rally in...
The United States has our military all over the world, and we have for a good number of years. In fact, the United States has been at war for a long, long time.This year, as we approach Christmas, families across America...
Hillary Clinton has the office closest to the door; the Democrats want her gone!The evidence mounts almost daily, as Clinton dodges the arrows (and shoes), and Elizabeth Warren continues to shoot them. The fake Indian...
The rapid deterioration of several nations in the Middle East and North Africa has taken many Americans and our leaders by surprise. Iraq, Syria and Libya have all seen terrorist groups spread their influence and grow in...
In 1994, Russia promised to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons. Twenty years later, that agreement is nothing but a torn up piece of paper. Russian tanks rolled...



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