Foreign Affairs
September 7th, 2013
After attending Friday’s classified briefing and listening to the people I represent, I have decided to vote against U.S. military intervention in Syria’s civil war. Our involvement could further destabilize an unstable...
September 3rd, 2013
Syria is a debacle, and the people responsible are President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Obama has decided to allow Congress a say, why, it is anyone's guess. What can’t be denied is that the Middle...
August 31st, 2013
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit a Syrian refugee camp while I was overseas in Turkey. This helped me to better understand the civil war raging in Syria. In the midst of the current turmoil, the...
August 12th, 2013
When Hillary Clinton decides to run for President, the big push from the moderates will be how moderate Hillary truly is, while downplaying what has been a consistent theme of her life: government is the engine of growth....
June 19th, 2013
As Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, I slammed President Barack Obama’s call in Berlin, Germany today for a unilateral reduction to the U.S. nuclear deterrent:President Obama...
June 6th, 2013
The following was sent in from Attorney General Greg Abbott:Your Liberty -- as a United States citizen -- was weakened and threatened yesterday when the Obama Administration helped the United Nations pass the Arms Trade...
May 28th, 2013
The following was written by J.D. Gordon:For a former senior lecturer in constitutional law, President Obama sure has an interesting viewpoint on the U.S. Constitution. It’s a position that likely would mystify the Founding...
May 18th, 2013
The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi-related e-mails this week that made it clear that the Obama Administration has misled the American people about the al-Qaeda-linked terrorist attack in Benghazi. The House...
May 15th, 2013
Things are only getting worse for the Administration, but that's what they should expect when intentionally misleading the American people. Scandal after scandal is coming to light, and today Attorney General Eric Holder is...
May 13th, 2013
The following is a press release from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action:Things haven't been very good for President Obama lately. Last week, Congress heard from witnesses concerning his administration's fatal failures...
September 5th, 2013
I am strongly opposed to American military involvement in Syria. One side is Assad and Iran, the other side is Al Qaeda. We have no business supporting either side. America’s job is to protect our vital national interests....
September 3rd, 2013
Congress:There are no “good guys” in this one. Nothing there is worth American sons’ and daughters’ blood or American treasure. If the surrounding nations (who arguably are truly at risk here if any are) do not support the...
August 20th, 2013
To a crowd of 250 plus, Texas Tea Party Republican Women (TTPRW) celebrated their 20th anniversary last Tuesday night. The crowd included Kay Smith, current president of TTPRW along with past presidents of TTPRW, members...
June 25th, 2013
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, has been celebrated by conservatives and maligned by liberals and the mainstream media (isnt that the same thing?) for decades. Having served under three Republican...
June 10th, 2013
I was shocked and disappointed Wednesday when President Obama announced UN Ambassador Susan Rice as his pick for our nation’s top security post. At a time when this country is losing trust in its government with scandal...
May 28th, 2013
Who is famous for saying that there is a "...never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way?" Was it one of our founding fathers or was it the mysterious man wearing a blue and red cape and a large...
May 20th, 2013
“You’ve grown up hearing voices…warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices…Because what they suggest is that we can’t be trusted.”–President Barack Obama, May 6,...
May 16th, 2013
The events that have unfolded over the past week are showing big government at its worst. First we learned more details about the Obama administration’s coordinated attempt to misrepresent the September 2012 terrorist attack...
May 14th, 2013
You want to know the meaning of Benghazi? It is very simple: the only person so far who has been punished was the filmmaker Nakoula Basseley. Nakoula produced the now infamous youtube video on the prophet Mohammed, which we...
May 11th, 2013
After many months of stories, investigations, obfuscations, liberal media biased reporting (and lack thereof) and political infighting, this week's House of Representative's hearings are finally starting to provide some...