Foreign Affairs

The following was written by J.D. Gordon:For a former senior lecturer in constitutional law, President Obama sure has an interesting viewpoint on the U.S. Constitution. It’s a position that likely would mystify the Founding...
The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi-related e-mails this week that made it clear that the Obama Administration has misled the American people about the al-Qaeda-linked terrorist attack in Benghazi. The House...
Things are only getting worse for the Administration, but that's what they should expect when intentionally misleading the American people. Scandal after scandal is coming to light, and today Attorney General Eric Holder is...
The following is a press release from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action:Things haven't been very good for President Obama lately. Last week, Congress heard from witnesses concerning his administration's fatal failures...
The Congressional Committee hearings on Benghazi yesterday were some of the most riveting since the Reagan era. There was testimony from personnel intimate with the details—who knew those who were killed on a first name...
I understand if the government needs to keep secrets for real national security concerns.Though most Conservatives can handle the truth, most Liberals are too stupid to be told everything. Liberals must have the truth...
Call your Congressman and Senators and ask them to prevent Obama from closing the Air Defense System protecting our Borders.
Hillary Clinton is lucky for she doesn’t have to worry about an inquisitive media looking closely into her record as Secretary of State or her performance in the recent Congressional hearing. If so, they would have reported...
The Senate today approved legislation authored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) to reauthorize provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a law that governs the surveillance of...
Just exactly what happened in Benghazi, Libya, in a terror attack that left four Americans dead, is the subject of heated national discussion—especially now that elections are complete. One critical concern is who issued a...
“You’ve grown up hearing voices…warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices…Because what they suggest is that we can’t be trusted.”–President Barack Obama, May 6,...
The events that have unfolded over the past week are showing big government at its worst. First we learned more details about the Obama administration’s coordinated attempt to misrepresent the September 2012 terrorist attack...
You want to know the meaning of Benghazi? It is very simple: the only person so far who has been punished was the filmmaker Nakoula Basseley. Nakoula produced the now infamous youtube video on the prophet Mohammed, which we...
After many months of stories, investigations, obfuscations, liberal media biased reporting (and lack thereof) and political infighting, this week's House of Representative's hearings are finally starting to provide some...
Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-Sc) told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren what to expect in the Benghazi hearings Wednesday, May 8th.“It is going to be a very informational, instructive hearing…I would encourage you to follow it....
The Obama Administration's lack of leadership on the threats from North Korea proves a pivotal point that has been recognized by political observers dating back to Thucydides: domestic politics influence foreign affairs. One...
Could you imagine what the reaction of the news media would be if a Republican President had been AWOL during a major crisis, not communicating with key defense personnel? In September, four Americans were killed by...
Dear fellow Texans and Patriots. I was made aware of an incident in Silverdale, Washington that I think you should know about. Below is a letter from a Navy widow to Target after the manager refused to allow people to park...
Today, I joined Rep. Frank Wolf and nine of our colleagues in introducing a bill to establish a House Select Committee on the Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.Eighty-four days have passed since the attack, and the administration...
All women are potential bimbos, all media reports are reliable, and email is a secure way to threaten your romantic rivals, right? In the case of Paula Broadwell, the story doesn’t make sense. Next, we’ll hear comments from...



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