Foreign Affairs

Tuesday’s presidential election was extremely disappointing and I was stunned as I was not expecting defeat. How could we lose? Obama spent more time on the golf course and traveling than working in the Oval Office. How...
If you are an undecided voter, then maybe looking at the events that occurred on September 11, 2012, should be enough of a reason to say goodbye to Obama. On September 11th, the American consulate in Benghazi was attacked...
Who will win the Presidential Election? Good question, but I will make my predictions. Will Hurricane Sandy stall Romney's momentum and give the media yet another excuse not to ask President Obama about Benghazi and why the...
Dear Undecided Voters,Do you need a reason to vote for Mitt Romney? Pick one below.The Economy. Benghazi. No Jobs. Solyndra. Debt. Blame Bush. Styrofoam Greek columns. Greece. More debt (than any administration in history...
Why is it that President Barack Obama is so reluctant to use the "T" word? When the Fort Hood shooting took place with a radicalized Muslim extremist screaming "Allahu Akbar" and we soon found out Major Hasan had ties to...
As we sit down to watch the third and final Presidential Debate between President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney one thing is certain - President Obamas foreign policy failure in Benghazi shows he has lost the...
A lowly New York Times reporter gets a document handed to him. It is a transcript of a meeting in which Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were present, in which security concerns in Libya were discussed...
Shortly after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, President Barack Obama's former minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright went on an anti-American rant which included an America-blaming quote, "America's chickens are coming...
On September 11th, I had the privilege of sitting down with US Representative Dan Burton (R-IN) in his Washington, DC office. We discussed President Obamas dangerous foreign policy in regards to Egypt and the illegal war...
What we have seen within the last two days in the Middle East is nothing short of an organized, massive uprising against the United States by radical Muslim nations. This anti-American uprising occurring in Egypt, Libya,...
In the past few weeks, I have visited with many of you across the Second Congressional District, and aside from the weak economy, there were two issues that you wanted to discuss: military voting and the terrorist attack in...
The election is one week away. The media is focused on how Hurricane Sandy is going to affect politics, but I cannot get the deeds of two men, named Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, out of my mind.If you have not heard the...
Nearly two years after U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by a gang of Mexican thugs in the desert night of southeastern Arizona, the federal government has finally secured a conviction.
Recent news accounts have raised serious concerns about what happened before and immediately after the attack in Libya on September 11, 2012 where our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, Air Force veteran Sean Smith, and former Navy...
On the eleventh anniversary of September 11th, America was attacked again on its sovereign soil. In Egypt, protestors stormed the U.S. Embassy, and in Libya, our Ambassador, Chris Stephens, and three other Americans were...
Last Wednesday, my colleagues on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and I questioned top State Department officials regarding the assault in Libya on September 11th. Four American lives, including Ambassador...
Four years ago, during a Fourth of July Bar-B-Q in Kingwood, I met a young Marine - Sergeant Brandon Bury. He stood 6 foot 6, and he was all Marine. At the time, I was so impressed by this young man’s tenacity, courage and...
Football is back, and that means the holidays will be here before we know it. As our families start to prepare and get excited, it’s easy to forget that many families will have an empty chair at the dinner table this year....
On the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, our nation was once again attacked. In Egypt, protestors stormed the U.S. Embassy, and in Libya, our Ambassador, Chris Stephens, Air Force veteran Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALS Glen...
Update: It has now been confirmed by Libya and U.S. Military officials that the attack was a planned terrorist attack with the anti Muslim film being used as a cover. Even Obama was duped into thinking the...



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