Donald Trump

The first RNC debate was held in Cleveland, Ohio, August 6, 2015 hosted by Fox News and Facebook. The top 10 presidential candidates for the Republican nominee participated in a debate that at times resembled a circus with...
The following is an op-ed from Commissioner Ryan Sitton in response to the latest Fox News poll.
In primary season, sometimes a political party or candidates take their eyes off the prize and forget their ultimate goal: to win the general election. In the case of dealing with Donald Trump, this is becoming rapidly...
Sanders and Trump have shaken up the party establishment, and as Instapundit Glenn Reynolds observed,
The Donald has now entered center stage, and while he may be a fascinating personality, the one debate I would love to see is not The Donald debating the rest of the Republican field but The Donald debating The Donald.
The Texas Patriots PAC's "Celebrating the American Dream: An Evening with Donald Trump and Mattress Mack" was quite a success as real estate tycoon, Donald Trump, highlighted his achievements and dreams for America, told in ...
Construction mogul Donald Trump stood before CPAC last week and called for a de facto amnesty for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in this country. Trump said Republicans should block immigration reform because...
Post updated Monday, June 20th.Most of the presidential wannabes who have thrown their hats in the ring are sadly lacking in what it takes to get elected if they should win the Republican nomination. ‘Establishment...
Well to me, it’s better than any other I’ve seen. I’ve watched them all as completely as you can from outside their inner circle (in other words, by public lights. And I don’t, as many even supposed “experts” do, toss out...
Long form birth certificate 61 10641 finally happened; Obama has released his long form birth certificate amidst all the controversy that Donald...
The first debate has passed and each of us have our own determination of who was the winner, but it will take some time before we know how these debates will change the course of the campaign.
Some years back at the 2008 RNC Convention, I was in St. Paul, MN as a National Delegate from Texas, and my husband and I met Republican pollster and analyst Dr. Frank Luntz, the author of one of the best books on good...
In a recent blog post, I noted that the most intriguing debate would be the Donald of today against the Donald of just a few years back as he has made several shifts in his position. For me, I was never sold on Trump as a...
Donald Trump has been losing business left and right because of his harsh rhetoric on immigration. He’s also been gaining in the polls in his bid for the White House.
A tsunami of disastrous consequences have been coming almost daily to Mr. Donald Trump after his inaccurate and divisive remarks in regards to Mexicans during his presidential announcement on June 16th.
When considering the top conservative political events and conferences in Washington, DC, the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority ranks among the best! Last week, their impressive list of surprisingly...
Republican Candidates are Turning out to be Obama’s best asset!This presidential campaign is the most disappointing since McCain became the GOP nominee in 2008.Hardcore conservatives do not have an...
The results of a Rasmussen Reports national survey conducted after Monday's GOP Presidential Candidate debate are shown below:Candidate Percentage Mitt Romney 33% Michele Bachmann 19% Herman Cain 10% Newt Gingrich 9%Ron Paul...
Obama has finally released his Birth Certificate to prove that he is an American Born Citizen, something that is required by the Constitution in order to be President. This shows how out of touch the Obama Administration...
It’s time to take a look toward a friend of all conservatives, CNN’s own Wolf Blitzer. Well, okay, maybe he is not a friend of conservatives. We know that those media types that have even the slightest right lean, end up at...



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