Donald Trump

While the political campaigns are moving on, Obama's Stalinist tactics were on parade when Loretta Lynch confirmed that she's referring complaints to DOJ against oil companies for potential criminal prosecution.
Between March 8th and March 12th, we witnessed the path we are traveling politically, and it isn’t pretty. It began when a Breitbart reporter was forced to the ground by Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
The death of Nancy Reagan ended an era and is a reminder of a better era where politicians were statesmen and stateswomen: giants who ended a cold war without a nuclear exchange and gave the next generation a chance to...
Ben Carson, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon who ended his presidential bid last week, plans to endorse Donald J. Trump Friday morning, three people familiar with the discussions said. Mr. Carson will make his endorsement...
Writer’s Note: National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru and Rich Lowry tackled the question, how do we attract Trump supporters. They present a thesis on how to promote Conservative Populism and sell it beyond the 2016 elections...
This is a three part report on Trump, his impact, and finally, Trump, conservatism and his voters. The first part deals with whehter Trump can win short of economic collapse or Clinton's indictment, and even an indictment...
Donald Trump's rivals and Fox News' debate moderators laid out a clear and factual case on Thursday that the billionaire's policies were unworkable; that he regularly shifted his positions; and that he had engaged in...
I haven’t fully made my case for Ted Cruz yet as a third part of a series on the primary contest.
Donald Trump notched a resounding win in the Nevada caucuses Tuesday, channeling the roiling anger of Republican voters against the establishment and sweeping almost every category of the electorate to build his dominance in...
One of the more amusing parts of being an Muslim American is that just about every day, I wake up to a ridiculous statement being shared on Facebook with armchair pundits generally going, “Well if someone said it, it has to...
The Donald released his first Anti-Hillary attack ad Wednesday – and while it may come as no surprise that it’s demeaning to women – the use of Vladimir Putin is a bit of a bizarre touch.
Much has been written about this illusory Donald Trump that America has been witnessing right before our eyes through the media. All we read, hear and see is about this man called Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican...
The biggest reason to oppose Trump is that he is not a conservative nor a real Republican, even though in the eyes of his supporters the latter is a benefit. It is time to take a serious look at what Trumpism really is and...
Earlier this week, America’s sweetheart, Donald Trump trotted out the samples closet of assorted Trump products that he’s marketed over the years. This included a number or branded products including suits, water and Trump...
Republican front-runner Donald Trump racked up primary wins in the big prize of Michigan as well as Mississippi and Hawaii on Tuesday, brushing off a week of blistering attacks from the party's establishment and expanding...
I still plan to detail how Cruz’s constitutional conservatism is the kindest prospect for the prosperity for individuals and society, but there is a conventional wisdom among political commenters that Ted Cruz can't win a...
The caption on the photo about sums up how I felt when I first heard that Donald Trump was running for President. I laughed it off. I'm done laughing now.Some of you may have already seen my post from Facebook about this...
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie offered up the latest twist of the Republican presidential primary when he endorsed Donald Trump on Friday, saying the GOP frontrunner is "rewriting the playbook of American politics." The...
For decades, lying has been a way of life for the Clintons and now the Democrats are on their way to nominate a woman who is facing possible indictments. Maybe Republicans may want to take a second look at Donald Trump since...
Donald Trump did more than win his second easy victory in consecutive presidential primaries in South Carolina on Saturday. He advanced his takeover of the Republican Party. He proved that he can dominate a race in the Deep...



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