Donald Trump

A good reason to look at why Americans are angry is family incomes over the past twenty years.  The Obama recovery has paled to past recoveries, in particular the Reagan recovery, which lead to a twenty-year growth that lead...
Donald Trump has won the Indiana Republican presidential primary, crushing the hopes of GOP foes who waged a frantic campaign to halt his march to the party's nomination.
I’m not going to talk about Trump’s personal flaws and his pervasive heresy to American constitutional conservatism that poses Hillary-scale continued catastrophe for American society and individuals. That information is all...
Thousands and thousands of conservative Republicans are elected delegates at their precinct and county conventions to go to their state conventions and pound out state party platforms and convention rules.
The biggest reason to oppose Trump is that he is not a conservative nor a real Republican, even though in the eyes of his supporters the latter is a benefit. It is time to take a serious look at what Trumpism really is and...
This election cycle has seen trends that threatens conservatism. The first is National Populism which is blood and soil nationalism that undermines constitutional rule of law and the second is Democratic socialism where the...
In 1929, Herbert Hoover became President and before being President, Hoover's reputation was that of self-made millionaire and brilliant manager. He also served as Secretary of Commerce under the Harding/Coolidge...
After a two-week respite, balloting resumes Tuesday in the presidential campaign with a high-stakes primary in Wisconsin, testing the two front-runners, Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, and attempts to...
PlayBrokered Convention? Here are the Rules Facebook Twitter Google Plus Embed Brokered Convention? Here are the Rules 1:46 Despite suspending his campaign, Sen. Marco Rubio is attempting to keep every delegate he won while...
As the presidential campaigns were being conducted in America on Tuesday, March 22, radical Islamic terrorists were attacking the Brussels Airport and Metro Station leaving body parts, dead, and injured scattered throughout...
For those who might want to ask what does Tom Donelson know about Politics, well I have been involved in politics for four decades and have run campaigns either for individuals or for Super PACs in 15 states. I have...
I couldn’t help thinking Donald Trump’s foreign-policy speech last week might actually have been halfway decent, based on the screeches from the neocons and the cheers from some noninterventionists.Then I read it, and, well...
Three out of every five babies aborted in America are either Black or Hispanic. Just let that sink in for a moment.
National Review’s Kevin Williamson noted about Bernie Sanders, “Bernie bellows that he remembers a time when you could walk into a department store and “buy things made in the U.S.A.” …Like most of these advocates of “...
Voting opened Tuesday in the most raucous nominating contest of an already wild campaign season, making New York a coveted prize for both delegates and bragging rights that were expected to strengthen the trajectory of the...
Trump and his minions have been calling the Republican nominating process unfair and “rigged” to take the nominating process from him. How about a little clarity on the matter, which may not be found on television....
As we approach the final stretch run toward the Democratic and Republican nominations, there is one thing self-evident.
A few things struck me over the past week. If you want to know why Bernie Sanders should never be allowed near the Presidency, a comment that he made about charitable organization when he attended a meeting kicking off a...
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump claims he is going to build a wall along the border and get Mexico to pay for it.
If we are going to nominate Trump, we might want to ask the question, “Can Trump win?” I have already crunched the numbers on what Trump will need to win.



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