Donald Trump

On September 1st, there are only 68 days until the election, and only 25 days until early voting begins in Texas.So much to do.  So little time.  How this story ends is entirely UP TO YOU.
Donald Trump’s call for an ideological litmus test to exclude intolerant foreigners who support Islamic law is redundant, runs contrary to our Founding principles, and could have large potential costs.
Maybe to be forearmed, you need to be forewarned. Trump's decline in the last two weeks, if not reversed, could impact other GOP races.
After the Republican Convention in Cleveland was over, it took me few weeks to sit down and gather my thoughts to write this. The truth is: this has been the most out-of-the-ordinary Republican Convention that I have ever...
Looking at the 2016 election, much of what I have written about is coming to pass. For many voters including myself; both candidates are seriously flawed candidates and also possibly lacking any fortitude or character to be...
Cooked books. That’s an accounting term for not reporting the real numbers. When it comes to Democrats, cooked books are no surprise. That’s what a recent Reuters poll appears to have done.
“I think it was a mistake. You don’t come to the convention after you have lost the nomination and not support the nominee. I think the right thing to do would be to stay home. I think it was a mistake and I don’t know what...
Will the Republicans fall for the mainstream media commentary on what came down at the Republican National Convention concerning Ted Cruz’ speech?
Donald Trump officially became the Republican Party's presidential nominee on Tuesday after a roll call vote overshadowed by dissent and apathy atypical of what is traditionally a celebration of the party's White House...
My wife has voted Republican as long as we’ve been married; 29 years. Shortly into this primary season with Donald Trump already leading among the large field of candidates, she told me she would not vote for Donald Trump...
I put NO faith in polls, given what I know about media now.
More than any other issue, Donald Trump’s stance on immigration will have the biggest impact on post-2016 national politics. His opposition to immigration is his signature and most consistent opinion during the entire...
The debate showdowns between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are getting closer.
It was a strange week or so, and, like many, we are scratching our head as to who Trump thinks his opponent is, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Ryan, John McCain, or Khizr Khan?
There are three options for conservatives that I can understand and one that is totally unforgivable. For many conservatives and quite a few Republicans (including many who are planning to vote for Trump), they have have...
You don’t become a billionaire without breaking a few legs. That’s right; legs not eggs. Something tells me that the revelations about crooked Hillary Clinton are not coincidence.People have focused on how big and bad the...
Filmmaker Michael Moore has no doubt that Donald Trump will become the GOP’s 2016 presidential nominee. “Donald Trump is absolutely going to be the Republican candidate for president of the United States,” he said,...
Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam’s recent New York Times article laying out a policy response to Trumpism argues, in part, that their preferred immigration policy will help the GOP avoid the likes of a demagogic megalomaniac...
Delegates hoping to upend Donald Trump's nomination are attempting a last-gasp effort to fight back as the Republican National Convention kicks off on Monday. A group of anti-Trump delegates submitted signatures to try to...
Mike Pence brings boredom to the ticket, and that in itself is not bad thing, while adding a seriousness of a candidate who has both legislative and executive experience.



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