Donald Trump

Last week, the House passed a continuing resolution (CR) that funds the government at the previous year’s levels until Congress can agree on a regular appropriations bill in April.
Texas is known for our thriving economy, robust job market, and booming energy resources. As Governor, Rick Perry welcomed dozens of companies to the Lone Star State, which created thousands of jobs for Texans and made our...
I wholeheartedly support President-elect Trump’s announcement to nominate one of Dallas’ favorite sons, Rex Tillerson, to serve as Secretary of State. I have known Rex for a number of years as a successful business...
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani pulled out of the secretary of state sweepstakes late last month, President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team said Friday, as Trump has widened his search to select the nation’s top...
Donald Trump’s campaign has certainly galvanized feelings of nationalism and patriotism.  John Fonte and John O’Sullivan even wrote that Trump’s election victory represent a “return of American nationalism.”  It’s no...
The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to...
President-elect Donald Trump announced Monday he has chosen former campaign 2016 rival Ben Carson to become secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.Trump said in his statement that he was “thrilled to...
President-elect Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis to be secretary of defense, according to people familiar with the decision, nominating a former senior military officer who led operations across...
Donald Trump and Mike Pence will take a victory lap in Indianapolis on Thursday to tout what they are presenting as a successful negotiation with Carrier to keep nearly 1,000 U.S. jobs from moving to Mexico.
With the death of Fidel Castro, we mark a century of leftist defenses of brutal dictators.
President-elect Donald J. Trump announced former Texas Governor Rick Perry will lead the Department of Energy.
President-elect Donald Trump made it official Wednesday, announcing his intent to nominate former Texas Gov. Rick Perry to lead the Department of Energy -- the agency Perry once famously forgot he wanted to eliminate. The...
The issue surrounds tariffs and trade, and the man is right. No politician has attempted to negotiate trade where America wins.
Nothing, of course.Today, my old buddy Ian Millhiser was at it again.
In yet another stroke of ordinary for Trump, he outflanks Obama. Before the man has moved in a picture of Melania and the kids, Trump continues to make presidential moves.
I sent a letter to President-elect Donald Trump today to encourage making America great again by improving the nation’s infrastructure by building roads, and widening and deepening our nation’s ports.
Donald Trump tweeted on November 29, that those who burn an American flag should lose their citizenship or go to jail.  Trump loves to stir the pot.  He loves to get a reaction from his tweets.  If, you haven't figured that...
President-Elect Donald Trump hasn’t even hit the Oval Office and he’s markedly more effective than Obama.
Control breeds confidence which leads to more open immigration.
President-elect Donald Trump has chosen former Bush administration official Elaine Chao as his transportation secretary, a position that will take on outsized importance with Trump’s plan to spend billions rebuilding the...



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