Donald Trump

President Donald Trump took office with a promise to drain the swamp, but the federal agency that manages the government’s two million civilian employees is making it harder to do that. Under a new policy, the Office of...
President Trump campaigned on creating a new U.S. immigration policy that is in the national interest.
I released the following statement after the Commission to Combat Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis recommended that President Donald Trump grant a waiver to the states to eliminate barriers to substance abuse treatment...
We did not elect you to practice politics. We elected you to use good judgement, and to make sound decisions that benefit Texans.
The Democracy Fund Voter’s project identified Trump’s supporters in 2016 in five different categories: American Preservationists (20%), Staunch Conservatives (31%), Anti-Elites (19%), Free Marketeers (25%), and the...
What happens if the Trump Recovery loses steam or fails? Many Americans believe the economy is unfair and the game is rigged against them.
Shortly after the announcement Monday, Trump celebrated the high court's decision, saying in a statement that it was a "clear victory for our national security" that would allow the travel suspension to "become largely...
The following is a live briefing of Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. 
President Trump said that he wants a merit-based immigration system that “nations around the world, like Canada, Australia, and many others have.”
President Donald J. Trump and other officials across the nation paused to honor fallen law enforcement officers on the 65th observance of the Peace Officers Memorial Day.
President Trump’s Afghanistan speech on Monday night was a rude awakening for Islamabad. Those in the Pakistani military and intelligence services who thought they could keep betraying the United States while accepting...
Supporters of the RAISE Act are counting on the media, voters, and policy makers to focus on talking points supporting the bill rather than its actual substance.  Those supporters want the debate over this bill to be “...
Republican Senators Tom Cotton (AR) and David Perdue (GA) are unveiled a bill Wednesday at the White House that would slash the number of legal immigrants by about 50 p
Republicans on Capitol Hill have now proposed spending $1.6 billion of your tax dollars – not Mexico’s money – for construction of a physical barrier along the international boundary with Mexico.The Hill reports:
After months of speculation on the location and format of their first meeting, the two presidents will finally sit down together during a yearly gathering of Group of 20 leaders in Hamburg, Germany.
Wednesday, President Trump argued that “those seeking immigration into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years.” That law is already on the...
The terrorist attacks that have swept the United Kingdom mark yet another chapter in the long war by violent Islamist extremists against the free world. Terrorism in Europe is not a new phenomenon.
New revelations have surfaced that the Obama administration abused intelligence during the election by launching a massive domestic spy campaign that included snooping on Trump officials.
President Trump kicked off his international diplomacy efforts over the weekend with a trip to Saudi Arabia that began the first global reset of American diplomatic efforts we’ve had this century.
Reports from Washington indicate that Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) is on the short list to take over the position of FBI director following the firing of James Comey.



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