Donald Trump

It is about one hour from midnight as I write and as we reflect upon 2015, the best I can say is: It could have been worse.
Joel Kotkin, a Democratic researcher, has been in the forefront of detailing the struggle of the middle class and has even been outspoken about his own party's role in increasing the divide between rich and poor.
As an Iowan, I will be part of the first wave of voters determining who will be the Republican nominee. As someone who will not be voting for Donald Trump, I do have a few observations. A Democratic friend of mine mentioned...
York's thesis is that Trump is prone to saying outrageous things or beginning with outrageous positions so he can get what he wants.
Much has been written about the October 28, 2015 CNBC GOP debate. Just when we thought that the questioning couldn’t possibly be any worse, it did!
Jeb Bush's big moment at the last debate came when he reminded Donald Trump that his brother kept America safe. This line received applause but what Bush, or for that matter, Rubio and others, have failed to do is explain...
Hot air Taylor Millard may give a reason why many grassroots are opting for the outsider candidates. He wrote an excellent piece on how the GOP is purging conservatives and libertarians and State GOPs are joining the purging...
The three hour listening marathon to the CNN debate on Wednesday, September 16, was not only demanding and sweltering for the candidates but challenging for people who wanted to listen to every word but needed to take a...
Trump may have stumbled into an immigration reform that could reach agreement with all spectrums of the Party. A few years back, Trump viewed Romney's self deportation plan as cruel and bad politics. He added that he would...
Some of his proposals are based on assertions that have been broadly debunked. He portrayed undocumented Mexican immigrants as uneducated criminals who have been living off “hundreds of billions” of American taxpayer dollars...
Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh wrote a piece recently about Ted Cruz's views on immigration (based on amendments Cruz tried to add to immigration reform efforts in 2013). “Senator Cruz’s amendments support increasing...
The rise of the anti-establishment candidates like Trump and Carson have led to the collapse of many candidates who many favored just a few months ago.
I don't hate Donald Trump. I think he's pathetic. He's a child who inherited a lot of money and used it in corrupt systems to create a lot more money from it. I think he's a posturer, a spectacularly inconsistent and awkward...
In the recent Republican Presidential debate, Donald Trump argued that President Eisenhower immigration enforcement plan called Operation Wetback (Trump didn’t use that horrendous name) drastically reduced unl
The third Republican presidential debate—titled “Your Money, Your Vote”-- will be Wednesday, October 28, live from the Coors Events Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder, which is used to hosting 11,000 fans for U...
Ted Cruz is playing a risky political game as he has yet to criticize Donald Trump directly, and in many cases, has acted like he is really running to be The Donald's VP selection.
Carly Fiorina shot into second place in the Republican presidential field on the heels of another strong debate performance, and Donald Trump has lost some support, a new national CNN/ORC poll shows.
Last week's Iran rally on the Capitol Lawn showed how passionate Americans are about protecting our country. As the keynote speakers, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump gave great speeches explaining exactly why this deal is so bad...
If Sanders is waking up the nationalist socialists on the Democratic side, it is hard to say what Trump's long term goal for conservatism is or if he even has one. Trump has challenged the status quo and the Republican...
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was midway through his speech at the Iowa State Fair’s “soapbox” stage when a helicopter buzzed overhead. “There’s Donald Trump,” said Mr. Sanders, a Vermont independent. “I...



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