
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
Despite the Tea Party’s big electoral victories, many of their top priorities were smashed against the armor bolted onto the upper chamber – much to the consternation of its new presiding officer
On Thursday, April 23, 2015 San Jose Mission in San Antonio, Texas held its very first naturalization ceremony during National Park Week. It was an exciting day for the 49 men and women from 22 different countries, including...
A Houston business leader who is a staunch Republican and a chief ally of archconservative Steve Hotze on Thursday said he has had enough of Tim Dunn spokesman Michael Quinn Sullivan’s attacks on Rep. Byron Cook, R-Corsicana...
State Sen. Eddie Lucio, D-Brownsville, and Reps. Byron Cook, R-Corsicana, and Gilbert Peña, R-Pasadena, have all proposed bills to create a guest worker program for Texas.
I urge you to vote NO on SB 185. Police chiefs and sheriffs across Texas have invested many hours traveling to Austin to oppose this bill for this and two previous sessions. They believe it will encourage abusive profiling...
This morning, I sent individually addressed emails (copy below) to every Texas Senator and their Chief of Staff. I copied Governor Abbott, and Lt. Gov. Patrick. Please talk to every Republican Senator you know.
In a state considered by others around the country to be the Economic Shining City on a Hill, it is almost unimaginable that lawmakers would give serious consideration to proposals that threaten to undermine that vitality....
A bill aimed at cracking down on companies that intentionally misclassify workers as independent contractors rather than employees could help reduce the numbers of unlawful workers in Texas.
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has released a number of reports purporting to show that all employment growth since the year 2000 has gone to immigrants. The CIS report does not include econometrics.
President Obama’s executive action on immigration will come with a financial cost, including government filing fees and attorneys' fees, and employees often look to their employer for financial help. As an employer, you must...
Fom Hillary Clinton’s Nevada speech in favor of immigration reform to Jeb Bush’s unwavering support for it, every presidential candidate in both parties is busy staking out a position on immigration.
It is irresponsible to allow people to drive without a license or permit, no matter where they are from or their legal status, and it is unfortunate that this legislation never made it to the House floor for consideration....
Evidently your staff had nothing better to do on Mother’s Day than to falsely accuse State Representative Byron Cook via your TEXAS SCORECARD by suggesting that Cook is supporting legislation that the majority of Texas...
The last time Congress seriously tried to restrict legal immigration was in 1996 - and that effort failed despite the then popularity of such a measure. Such a bill in today’s political environment with substantially less...
Senator Jeff Sessions’ (R-AL) Washington Post op-ed calls “for an honest discussion on immigration.” He then lays out his case against legal immigration.
On February 16, 2015, a Texas federal district court judge issued a preliminary injunction temporarily blocking the Obama Executive Actions on Immigration: the expansion of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and...
While the economic need for substantive immigration reform is crystal clear, politics and partisanship have fogged the issue. Disruptive factions within both parties in Congress have prevented the advancement of any...
The worst part of the bill, Adams argued, is that it requires the Attorney General to review each complaint and file a petition. "Can you even imagine the red tape and wasted time and expense? Neither the AG nor local law...
An enduring argument against reforming the immigration system is that new immigrants will become a solid voting bloc for the Democratic party and support liberal economic policies. Neither of these assertions is true. New...
The best possible scenario would be if the GOP leadership on Capitol Hill use this opportunity to pass a clean DHS funding bill, leave the fate of the President’s actions up to the courts, and begin to seriously debate and...



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