
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump claims he is going to build a wall along the border and get Mexico to pay for it.
The political class is awash in self-serving theories to explain the rise of Donald Trump. Tim Carney blames differences of opinion between cosmopolitan elites and a nationalist base.
Bongs, abortion and illegal immigration are just three of the issues surfacing in one of the hottest Texas House races, which is playing out as a case study of how the far-right faction of the state Republican party seeks to...
Following a report that undocumented immigrants have worked at the Collin Street Bakery in Corsicana, Texas House State Affairs Committee Chairman Byron Cook on Monday ratcheted up the heat on his GOP primary challenger...
To say you’re opposed to illegal immigration as a candidate and then to employ illegal immigrant workers in your business is political hypocrisy and business dishonesty
The recent Omnibus increased H-2B visas for seasonal non-agricultural workers by not counting some renewals against the annual cap of 66,000.
Although the threat from immigrant-caused terrorism is low, some small immigration reforms like allowing immigration agents to search social media or to focus their efforts entirely on detecting security concerns rather than...
Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio both impressed audiences in the last debate. Senator Rubio’s positions on immigration are discussed frequently, but Senator Cruz is normally viewed as an...
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has already tweeted that he won’t pursue immigration reform while President Obama is in office. Ryan does not trust the president to enforce an amnesty or partial legalization for...
Without common ground, and with emotional demands to “deport them all,” we’ll still be debating this four years from now.
Some want to complete the fence along the United States–Mexico border. Others cry for higher quotas of H-1B visas. The debate goes on and on. Regardless of the immigration politics and law at stake, I sought the answer to an...
"Using a grieving father to accuse Joe Straus of a horrific murder committed by a career criminal is deplorable and irresponsible."
Now that the Iowa caucuses are over, I will begin with who I didn’t support and why. First, there is Jeb Bush. Bush is a good guy who had a conservative record as a governor but throughout this campaign, he never got good...
State Senator Mike Delph’s (R-Carmel) new bill (SB 285) seeks to control illegal immigration by punishing businesses that repeatedly hire them. Based on experience in other states, this proposed new law would do little to...
Shortly before Christmas, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a report detailing deportations (henceforth “removals”) conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during fiscal year 2015.
Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh wrote a piece recently about Ted Cruz's views on immigration (based on amendments Cruz tried to add to immigration reform efforts in 2013). “Senator Cruz’s amendments support increasing...
The National Academy of Sciences recently published a comprehensive report on the pace of immigrant assimilation. Short conclusion: It’s on par with previous waves of immigrants.
In the recent Republican Presidential debate, Donald Trump argued that President Eisenhower immigration enforcement plan called Operation Wetback (Trump didn’t use that horrendous name) drastically reduced unl
Dangerous policies have deadly consequences. We were reminded of this recently when a young woman in San Francisco, Kathryn Steinle, was tragically murdered by an illegal immigrant. Every person who has weighed in on the...
Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) began his term as the youngest Speaker of the House of Representatives in living memory by tweeting “[w]e are not settling scores. We are wiping the slate clean.” The policy slate that needs the deepest...



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