
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
I will be answering questions about the executive order this morning at 11am EST/10am CST.Here is where you can watch: Submit your questions by tweeting: #catoconnects and follow @catoevents
There is much to agree with in Richard Samuelson’s essay. My disagreement arises from three main sources. First, Samuelson undervalues how important relatively freer immigration is for maintaining American values and...
Yesterday, a source close to the White House leaked what they claim is the administration’s plan to address immigration – a 10-point executive action that, among other provisions, would suspend deportation orders for up to 4...
Expanding and liberalizing America’s lawful immigration system is the easiest way to boost economic growth and is also the key to stopping unlawful immigration. After a century of reforms that enhanced and centralized...
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has been releasing a series of reports claiming that immigrants are benefiting from the slightly recovering job market while natives are not. Of course, if immigrants were even less...
President Obama’s much anticipated executive actions to reform immigration have been delayed, again. The president explained this by saying, “The truth of the matter is that the politics did shift midsummer because of that...
The fiscal impact of immigration — how immigrants and their descendants affect government budgets — is a widely debated and contentious issue. Economists overwhelmingly accept the economic gains of immigration, but are less...
In June, 2012 the Obama Administration announced that it had authored a memo deferring the deportation of unauthorized immigrant childhood arrivals in the United States, a program known as deferred action for childhood...
The crisis resulting from tens of thousands of Central American children traversing dangerous territory to cross our porous border is one that demands leadership. But don’t look for it from those who currently occupy...
Alan Nash, author of the "10 for 10" Plan, gives the definition of amnesty.What is amnesty?Amnesty is the status quo.Amnesty is allowing illegals to stay here, unidentified, uncounted, undocumented, and untaxed.Amnesty is...
Houston, Texas — Today several conservative and business leaders in Texas called on the Texas delegation to work toward passing meaningful immigration reform in Congress as soon as possible. Participating in today’s event...
The following article is authored by Stan Marek and originally posted in the Houston Chronicle.Now that the election is over, political news has quickly become dominated by the impending immigration showdown between...
The American people sent a strong message Tuesday that they want Washington to work together, and I made clear to the President that we should tackle immigration reform together on a step-by-step basis, beginning with border...
On Oct. 1, a new round of foreign H-1B guest workers will began to work in the United States. H-1B visas are for skilled workers in specialty occupations, mainly in engineering and computer occupations. H-1B visas are an...
More than a decade since I first arrived in the United States Senate, the chamber has become unrecognizable. What had traditionally been a forum for thoughtful debate of principled ideas has gradually devolved into a venue...
The economics literature generally finds a positive, but small, gain in income to native-born populations from immigrants and potentially large gains in world incomes. But immigrants can also impact a recipient nation’s...
The debate over immigration reform, intensified by the surge of unaccompanied child migrants at the U.S.–Mexico border, has many conservatives worried. Republican strategist Lanhee Chen explained that conservative opposition...
It seems conservative State Rep. David Simpson who represents the people of District 7 in East Texas has caused some tempers to flare. He held a Town Hall meeting on July 22, 2014 after his seven day family vacation along...
The organizations that are benefiting from the illegal surge on our southern border are those that want to radically change America to anti-immigration, which leads to population control. During the Republican state...
A Houston man now faces up to life in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 for his conviction on charges related to trafficking of minor girls for prostitution. The charges involve the trafficking of at least three girls...



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