An open letter to Michael Quinn Sullivan
Evidently your staff had nothing better to do on Mother’s Day than to falsely accuse Rep. Byron Cook, suggesting that Cook is supporting legislation that the majority of Texas Republicans oppose.
Mr. Sullivan:
Evidently your staff had nothing better to do on Mother’s Day than to falsely accuse State Representative Byron Cook via your TEXAS SCORECARD by suggesting that Cook is supporting legislation that the majority of Texas Republicans oppose. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Evidently you are unaware that a statewide poll conducted by Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research indicated that Cook’s conditional driver permit ideas are supported by 77% of Texas Republicans. Look for yourself.
The following question was posed to 1,005 likely voters in Texas:
"Would you support or oppose legislation that requires all undocumented immigrants to apply for a driving permit, pay a $150 fee, provide finger print and photo identification, pass a criminal background check, and buy liability insurance?"
As you know, your so-called News Digest included a headline suggesting that Byron Cook wants to give illegals a Texas driver license. Surely you know that to issue them a driver license would be in conflict with the Real ID Act (federal law). A “conditional permit” is not a driver license. The proposed permit, for example, cannot be used to board an airplane or for voter ID. However, it could be used to purchase auto liability insurance for the millions of uninsured cars on our Texas roadways. That sounds like a good idea to me.
I will give you credit for the fact that your article did mention that the bill requires a positive ID and a criminal background check. If you listened to the hours of testimony from law enforcement officials from across Texas, including DPS Director Steve McCraw, you know they support this bill. When undocumented drivers are involved in an auto accident, they are likely to flee the scene because they have no permit to drive and no liability insurance. Byron Cook’s conditional driver permit makes good sense and is right for Texas.
Mr. Sullivan, you ought to support this legislation, not misrepresent it!
Texas does not have to wait on Washington to do something about the millions of uninsured immigrants driving kids to school, themselves to work, to church, etc. To ignore the problem is to perpetuate de facto amnesty. It is my prayer that you will rethink your position and support this legislation.
If not, I hope you will accept my challenge to a public debate!
Dr. Steve Hotze of Conservative Republicans of Texas has offered to host the debate and invite the entire legislature.
God bless Byron Cook. He has been a blessing to Texas!