Empower Texans
October 18th, 2019
We have listened. We have listened to both our constituents and now, to the audio recording of the meeting between Speaker Bonnen, Chair Burrows, and Michael Quinn Sullivan.
August 2nd, 2018
Name calling in politics is nothing new. Name calling between members of the same political party is also as common as the sunshine is in West Texas. Sadly, political parties tearing themselves apart is also old hat.
June 1st, 2018
The race to be Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas is getting downright nasty ahead of the governing party of this state’s convention coming up in just a couple weeks.
March 24th, 2017
In a recent article on their website, Empower Texans claims that Texas Alliance for Life opposed a bill to ban the most common method of second trimester abortion, Senate Bill 415, claiming that we “sided with pro-abortion...
July 29th, 2016
A local prosecutor in Corsicana is “seething mad” after the spokesman for Texas Public Policy Foundation Vice Chairman Tim Dunn lashed out at the city and threated its police department even after a citation against him was...
November 20th, 2015
Video also shows Texas Right to Life President Jim Graham was ecstatic about police citations that he and Sullivan would later use as tools for fundraising
November 2nd, 2015
Fun was had by all inside a country dance at Cook’s reelection kickoff – but, out on the street there was a small protest led by staffers paid by Tim Dunn who clashed with police and tried to use their disrespect for law...
September 14th, 2015
Straus’ spokesman fires back: “The freedom these extremists enjoy to engage in ridiculous attacks is protected by our heroic first responders.”
May 25th, 2015
It is irresponsible to allow people to drive without a license or permit, no matter where they are from or their legal status, and it is unfortunate that this legislation never made it to the House floor for consideration....
May 14th, 2015
Evidently your staff had nothing better to do on Mother’s Day than to falsely accuse State Representative Byron Cook via your TEXAS SCORECARD by suggesting that Cook is supporting legislation that the majority of Texas...
November 28th, 2018
Earlier this decade, there was no more interesting subplot in Texas politics than the Republican Civil War, a somewhat grandiose name for the discomfort the tea party was causing the more polite faction of the GOP.
July 9th, 2018
Y'all done gone and done it. No, seriously. Y'all, and by y'all, I mean Empower Texans done gone and made me defend John Cornyn. It's absolutely the last thing I thought I'd ever do since he has been the subject of...
April 10th, 2017
The clock begins its inexorable tick to closing time and Republican members of the Texas Legislature such as myself are left to contemplate that which will define the session and our political legacies. Most of us will hew...
February 13th, 2017
The special prosecutors in the felony fraud case of Attorney General Ken Paxton’s alleged swindling of investors have now pointed the finger directly at the political network of Midland oilman Tim Dunn for trying to taint...
February 16th, 2016
This Tuesday, early voting begins for the upcoming March primary election.
In the Republican race for District 81 state representative, this newspaper wholeheartedly believes voters should re-elect incumbent Brooks Landgraf...
November 15th, 2015
On Monday, some folks are once again planning to protest the reelection campaign of Texas House State Affairs Committee Chairman Byron Cook.
October 21st, 2015
The group that secretly videotaped Texas lawmakers this year after receiving large donations from various conservatives, including higher ed critic Jeff Sandefer, attempted to persuade Democrats at the state and local levels...
June 10th, 2015
West Texas Drive (KRFE AM 580 – Lubbock) has offered its weekday afternoon radio venue to host an immigration debate between Michael Quinn Sullivan of Empower Texans/Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and Norman Adams of
May 15th, 2015
A Houston business leader who is a staunch Republican and a chief ally of archconservative Steve Hotze on Thursday said he has had enough of Tim Dunn spokesman Michael Quinn Sullivan’s attacks on Rep. Byron Cook, R-Corsicana...
January 12th, 2015
The battle playing out among the largest anti-abortion groups in Texas is difficult to understand without taking into consideration some of the undercurrents and becoming familiar with some of the key players in our great...