
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
The recent uptick in American energy production is one of those economic miracles not thought possible a decade ago. Oil and gas production will reduce the United States' dependence on imports, and we may be become an energy...
I issued the following statement after introducing The Eliminating Improper & Abusive IRS Audits Act of 2014 to provide further accountability and greater taxpayer protection against IRS abuse:As we approach the deadline...
On Thursday the House approved H.R. 2575, the Save American Workers Act, which repeals ObamaCare’s misguided 30-hour rule. This rule redefines “full time” employment as 30 hours per week instead of 40. Due to the looming...
The following article originally appeared on The Quorum Report and was republished with permission.Hoping to add a sense of urgency for Texas Republicans in Washington, business groups that represent thousands of...
The following is a press release:Austin, TX — Several associations – spanning hotels, restaurants, landowners, citrus growers, and retailers – today announced their joint effort to press Congress to pass immigration reform...
As Chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I held a hearing with NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, Jr. today to examine the Obama administration’s fiscal year 2015 (FY15) budget and its priorities....
The Napoleon of Siberia, Putin, controls Ukraine and other European countries by holding their energy needs hostage. Russia uses gas as a political and economic weapon to manipulate its neighbors.This does not have to be,...
Seniority is an important issue in the airline industry. It affects everything from work schedules to job assignments to standby flight benefits and more. It is so critical that it has created strange bedfellows in...
Editors Note: The Claremont Institute honored Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, with its 2014 Statesmanship Award at the organization’s annual dinner in honor of Sir Winston Churchill on Saturday evening. Previous recipients of...
The following is a press release from the Texas Farm Bureau:(Washington, D.C.)—Farmers and ranchers from across the nation, including a dairyman from Texas, urged Congress to take action to fix the nation’s broken...
Last week, I told you about legislation I’ve introduced to reform the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to make it work better for landowners, communities, and species. The law is in need of reform—in the 40 years since it was...
Yesterday I met with U.S. Coast Guard Captain Ogyrdziak and others involved with cleaning the beaches after the March 22 Texas City Y bunker oil spill. The bulk of the oil came ashore along the environmentally sensitive...
Today I released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s March jobs report: While additional job creation is always welcome news, today’s report serves as a reminder that ObamaCare is holding back our...
This past Saturday I met up with Gordy Bunch at the Port of Beaumont, Texas. Mr. Bunch is running for Texas State Senate District 4. This will be a special election, which will be held on Saturday, May 10th due to the...
On Thursday, Congressman Jim Bridenstine and I introduced complementary legislation, S. 2170 and H.R. 4286, to empower the private sector to create good-paying, American jobs and spur economic growth by harnessing our nation...
According to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, two out of three Americans believe our country is on the wrong track and nearly six in 10 say that the economy has not even started to recover. Under President...
The following came in from the Gordy Bunch for Texas Senate campaign:Houston, March 26, 2014 – Richard “Gordy” Bunch, founder, president, and CEO of The Woodlands Financial Group has been nominated as the Gulf Coast’s...
Raising the minimum wage will increase wages, but it won’t increase purchasing power, which means the standard of living for those making minimum wage will not increase. Those who trumpet raising the minimum wage as a way to...
While some believe education reforms passed by the Texas Legislature last year offer the right alternatives for students who may want to go to college or immediately enter a career, there are others who will push to make...
The U.S. House of Representatives voted to repeal the 1997 Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) law to better compensate doctors treating patients on Medicare. The Resolution, H.R. 4015, was authored by Texas Republican Congressman...



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