
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
As we moved through the primary filing deadline earlier this month, the once crowded field for Texas Railroad Commissioner settled down to four interesting candidates.
On December 12, 2013, Members of the House and Senate introduced bipartisan legislation that would allow the United States or any state or local government to register official insignia for federal trademark protection....
This week, the House approved two common-sense bills that would help small businesses innovate, grow their companies, and hire more workers. These two bills join the long list of House-passed jobs bills that would help to...
The House of Representatives passed the Innovation Act, a bill to reduce abusive patent litigation. I introduced the Patent Abuse Reduction Act in the Senate earlier this year.Abusive patent litigation poses a direct threat...
The innovativeness of American enterprise flies off the radar.According to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, the company is fixing to deliver packages to its customers via drones. It is called “Amazon Prime Air.”That’s right. In just a...
The House of Representatives approved the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act (H.R. 2728) to limit duplicative federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing where the states already have...
I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Texas senior U.S. Senator, John Cornyn for a two-part exclusive interview. In part one of the interview we discussed the calamity that is ObamaCare. Senator Cornyn took a lot of...
Texas is the #1 State for Business again because of low regulations and a business friendly environment. Eden Pro Services is a perfect example of why Texas is the best. They are one of the many new businesses in Texas, at a...
As we continue to hear stories of individuals across the nation who are losing their health care plans or seeing their premiums rise, we must also remember the damage that ObamaCare has done to our economy and job creation...
Lets face it... The energy industry in Texas is one of the main reasons why we are in such solid financial condition. Protecting that segment of our economy and helping energy companies create even more jobs and tax revenue...
Last week, I had the opportunity to tour the DRS Technologies facility in Dallas. DRS Technologies is a leading supplier of defense products that focuses on developing, manufacturing, and supporting a broad range of mission...
Last week in the House, we took a necessary step towards ending the abuse that runs rampant in the U.S. patent system. In an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 325-91, we passed H.R. 3309, the "Innovation Act," a measure that...
While any sign of job creation is welcomed news, today’s jobs report serves as a reminder that far too many Americans continue to be unemployed or underemployed. That is why House Republicans have passed a long list of jobs...
As Chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, I held a hearing earlier this week looking at the federal governments use of design-build contracts. A design-build contract is when federal agencies...
Today I sent a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy highlighting serious problems that were outlined by the agency’s own independent scientists about the science supporting EPA’s new rule for power plants.The Work Group...
I explore this and other questions about capitalism with George Reisman, professor emeritus of economics at Pepperdine University and author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics.To listen, click here. 
The City of Houston has taken a bold step forward by passing an ordinance that will properly punish companies that commit wage theft and payroll fraud by stealing from their employees. After a public hearing on Tuesday, the...
The European Climate Foundation based in The Hague, is a typical green--ignore the science--organization that uses United Nations meetings to push radical environmentalism to destroy liberties, kill jobs and industries, and...
In a rare election-day political campaign event, Gubernatorial Candidate Greg Abbott was met by a large group of workers, business leaders and political activists as he unveiled his "Working Plan for Texas" in Houston at...
In honor of President Obamas visit to the Lone Star State today, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who has sued the Obama Administration 30 times now, put together this unique Welcome to Texas message for our president....



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