
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
This past week, I received the Guardian of Small Business Award. This award is presented to elected officials in recognition of their hard work and dedication to encouraging continued economic growth. I view providing a free...
This week, I questioned top officials from the White House and the EPA about one of the most aggressive new government programs in our country’s history. The cornerstone of the White House's sweeping Climate Action Plan is...
More than a decade since I first came to this chamber, the United States Senate, it has become unrecognizable…Unfortunately, this chamber has devolved into one where not much gets done and when there are votes, they are...
More than a decade since I first arrived in the United States Senate, the chamber has become unrecognizable. What had traditionally been a forum for thoughtful debate of principled ideas has gradually devolved into a venue...
How does one increase the minimum wage? There are two ways: the inefficient and destructive way or allowing the market to work. The first is what most politicians do routinely by pushing for laws to raise the minimum wage...
Because of an absence of federal action on the problem of rampant worker misclassification in construction, we continue to track the progress of states across the nation that are trying to deal with what's been called “a...
I hope y'all are enjoying the last few weeks of summer as August draws to a close and a new school year begins (and of course, a new football season too). This month, I’ve traveled across our district meeting with...
What a great conversation with Michael Boldin of the Tenth Amendment Center and Off Now, about the Off Now initiative and handbook. Have a listen!
On Monday, August 4, 2014 I began my town hall tour of the 27th Congressional District. Over the span of four days I met with people from across the district to answer questions and to hear what you had to say. My staff and...
Earlier this week, I met with the CITI Executive Team and visited their facility in Irving. I enjoyed learning about their increased presence in the DFW area and their role in employing more than 5,000 North Texans. I also...
The House has passed more than 340 bills that are awaiting action on the Senate doorstep. Among those bills that the Senate has not taken up, one of the most important is the border security bill the House passed before the...
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has been releasing a series of reports claiming that immigrants are benefiting from the slightly recovering job market while natives are not. Of course, if immigrants were even less...
Today, I made the following statement at a hearing with the president’s top science advisor, Dr. John Holdren, and the top EPA air official, Janet McCabe, examining the Obama administration’s Climate Action Plan and proposed...
The recent disaster in foreign affairs has put Obama's competency into question, and for many on both sides, Obama's failure is more about his incompetency as opposed to the results of his ideology. Democrats have an...
Today I released the following statement regarding the August unemployment report:Today’s weak jobs report shows that the Administration’s anti-growth agenda continues to prevent Americans from finding job opportunities that...
The government provides all kinds of reports, for example housing starts, unemployment, GDP, and so on, and generally the news ranges from “not too bad” to “great.”Well it’s all nonsense. You don’t need a degree in Economics...
On Tuesday I met with representatives from the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) to talk about the importance of improving conditions in underground infrastructures across the United States. We also discussed...
The economics literature generally finds a positive, but small, gain in income to native-born populations from immigrants and potentially large gains in world incomes. But immigrants can also impact a recipient nation’s...
One of my best friends is Joe the Plumber, a man made famous for daring to question Liberals’ Baby Black Jesus.Joe is a friend because he pulls no punches, makes no apologies, but mostly because he DOES WHAT HE SAYS.
Has Obama checked out? This is conventional wisdom, but conventional wisdom is wrong for even many liberals don’t truly understand the guy they helped elect. Obama hasn’t checked out, he has decided to rule America in a...



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