
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
The Keystone Pipeline project has sat awaiting approval for six years. It took less time to win World War II than it has for the Administration to approve the pipeline. The pipeline from Canada to Southeast Texas would bring...
This morning the Department of Labor released the October jobs report. While I am always pleased to hear that some people were able to find employment, this week people across the nation made it very clear they are...
It looks like farmers this spring won’t be penalized for the crippling drought we’ve had in West Texas these past few years. After repeatedly claiming they could not follow the Farm Bill’s strict implementation schedule,...
You may remember this last spring when the EPA proposed a rule to expand their jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act of 1972. The law lets them regulate “navigable waters of the United States,” but their proposed rule...
Expanding and liberalizing America’s lawful immigration system is the easiest way to boost economic growth and is also the key to stopping unlawful immigration. After a century of reforms that enhanced and centralized...
Our district is home to five ports and a portion of the Gulf Coast Waterway. It has been estimated that Texas waterways will transport over 766 million tons of cargo by 2030. This is why I am glad the President signed into...
It was almost a decade ago that Jeb Hensarling and I introduced The Right to Fly Act. And on October 13, our dream will be fully realized – North Texans will now be free to fly where they want to, from where they...
On Oct. 1, a new round of foreign H-1B guest workers will began to work in the United States. H-1B visas are for skilled workers in specialty occupations, mainly in engineering and computer occupations. H-1B visas are an...
Texas is an economic engine unlike any other, but there are things that could put the brakes on our dynamic growth. Congested highways and the unreasonably long commutes that go along with them have the potential to slow...
Texas Governor Rick Perry will deliver the keynote speech for the Energy and Climate Policy Summit being held Thursday and Friday in Houston. The "At the Crossroads" summit is a unique gathering of experts in the area of...
After the House approved it today, the president is the only one standing in the way of the Keystone XL pipeline and 40,000 new energy jobs. After six long years of thorough review – including hearings held by the House...
Hillary Clinton recently gave a speech in which she gave her usual talking points, but there is one line that shows that Ms. Clinton has absolutely no clue about our economic system. She stated that “Don’t allow anyone to...
Barack Obama should thank two states, North Dakota and Texas, for creating many of the jobs during his administration. Considering that Obama has done what he could to end much of the fossil fuels industry, it is ironic that...
Barack Obama is President Inequality. The stats are clear, and while President Obama talks about inequality, what is overlooked is his policies have made inequality even worse.The reality is the average family and middle...
It’s a busy week ahead catching up with folks in West Texas and the Big Country. Here’s a little preview of where I’ll be and what I’ll be doing:I appreciate that West Texas has such rich culture and diversity. I’m excited...
With the nation’s highest poverty rate and one of the nation’s worst unemployment rates, it’s pretty clear that California is in need of more economic development. This means generating sufficient private sector job growth...
Here’s something you won’t hear about on the news: right now, there are 387 House-passed bills stuck in the Senate. These bills, many with broad bipartisan support, contain the policy changes needed to jump-start the...
While this month’s jobs report indicates some signs of job growth, the American economy is still not growing quickly enough or broadly enough. Since President Obama took the oath of office, nearly 60% of job gains have been...
Today the Dallas Mayor’s Committee for the Employment of People with Disabilities and I will be hosting the Fifth Annual employAbility Expo. This annual event serves as a critical resource for North Texas residents with...
The U.S. economy needs help. The most recent data shows disappointing job growth and surging unemployment rates. But read carefully, and you’ll see that we in Texas added the most jobs of any state last month – beating the...



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