The Importance of Protecting Small Businesses
The U.S. economy needs help. The most recent data shows disappointing job growth and surging unemployment rates. But read carefully, and you’ll see that we in Texas added the most jobs of any state last month – beating the second highest job creating state by almost double. That’s because in Texas, we know how to boost the economy and put our citizens back to work. We know how to get out of the way and allow hardworking Americans to bring back American prosperity.
Last Thursday, I joined my colleagues in supporting a bill to do just that. I previewed it for you last week, but here’s a little refresher: The Jobs for America Act restores the traditional 40 hour work week to allow for higher weekly wages. It makes it easier for companies to hire veterans returning from service, it makes bonus depreciation permanent, and it increases transparency of federal regulatory institutions. It establishes long-term policy to help small businesses with long-term planning – allowing them to focus on growing their company and hiring more of our neighbors rather than regulatory compliance.
I know that small businesses drive our economy. And I’m proud to be recognized for my votes to protect small businesses from federal overregulation. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) named me a “Guardian for Small Business” for my voting record in the 113th Congress. My votes for pro-growth policies earned me a 100% on their scale. I’m proud of my record, and I believe with the right policies, we can bring our economy back to its full potential.
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