Dr. Charles Boustany, a Louisiana Republican representative who has over 20 years of experience as a doctor, delivered the Republican health care address following President Obama’s speech last night. It’s clear the American...
The following statement is in regard to President Obama's health care address:Obama’s address will go down as a missed opportunity for the Obama Administration. In a speech that was meant to reclaim the debate over health...
As made clear by Obama's speech last night, our nation is and will continue to be in great trouble unless the GOP can reclaim its voice in Congress.
Organized by the Texas Republican House Committee (TRHC) and fueled by political activists from all over Texas, the Hands Off Texas! event will take place on September 12 at the Texas State Capitol.
Neal McCluskey, associate director of the Center for Educational Freedom at the CATO Institute, writes about the Obama Administration's U.S.
Representative Kevin Brady (TX-8) has held over 43 town hall meetings this past month discussing health care reform and giving his reasons for voting against the bill.
U.S. Representative candidate James Matthew Duerr held the Real Townhall event in Corpus Christi Wednesday evening for citizens to learn about the proposed healthcare bill.
August dealt Democrats a tough hand this year: At August's town-hall meetings, voters often started with complaints about health care, only to shift to frustrations about all the other things President Barack Obama and the...
This letter was written to Congressman Solomon Ortiz with regards to the Real Townhall meeting: Dear Congressman Solomon Ortiz Sr.,I respectfully invite you to join the Citizens of District 27 at a Health Care Panel...
Your help is needed in promoting the Real Townhall for TX-27!Democratic Congressman Solomon Ortiz has held little to no town hall meetings during his 27 years in Congress. Now with the healthcare debate heating up,...
9/11 eight years on. Do yourself a favor and check out Allahpundit's twitter feed here. He had moved into an apartment in lower Manhattan in July 2001.  He woke up at 8:45 AM that morning thinking that a truck had wrecked on...
"Well the time for bickering is over. The time for games has passed."In other words, "Shut up, he explained."The President did have an opportunity last night. He could have "hit the reset button" on the health care debate,...
A conference call was recently hosted by the White House, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and United We Serve that allegedly encouraged a select group of artists to produce artwork that promotes the President’s...
As House Democrats return to work today from their 40-day recess, the Washington Post reports: [House Democrats] are in almost the exact position they were in when they left the Capitol in late July. Conservatives are still...
If you think we are accumulating too much debt, youre just too stupid to understand.In this interview, Rep. Stark takes a novel view of our national debt. You see it is actually a measure of our "wealth." Who knew?
It may be helpful for conservatives who care about acting for what is right to observe the tactics that liberal democrats have started using in recent townhall meetings to portray healthcare reform opponents as Nazis and...
Texas GOP Vote recently blogged about the Chamber of Commerce vs. EPA action over global warming. We have heard the left-wing environmentalists' complaint that the Chamber's is attempting to "sow political discord by...
We are very pleased at the Texas Workforce Commission that our Texas Veteran’s Leadership Program was honored with an in-depth feature in VFW Magazine. The Veterans of Foreign Wars and their 2.2 million members worldwide do...
If anyone was ever questioning whether the outrage over the proposed cap-and-trade bill (otherwise known as "cap-and-tax") is a Republican fabrication, then this should help convince against that! The U.S.
Will homeowner debt continue to drag the national economy down? Before the residential housing bubble burst, rising home values fueled a high level of consumer spending as homeowners extracted what they thought was equity in...



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