Trump Administration

Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-17) and Congressman Aaron Bean (FL-04) will serve as co-chairs of the new Delivering Outstanding Government Efficiency (DOGE) Caucus. This caucus is committed to working alongside President...
U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released the following statement after he joined the Senate DOGE Caucus, founded by Sen.
On the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) praised President Trump’s defense and national security nominees and discussed restoring America’s credibility on the world stage after the damage done during the Biden...
Although the 2020 elections did not turn out the way many of us hoped, let’s all stay positive. Most of us have a lot to be thankful for!President Trump did an outstanding job as our leader for four years. We should thank...
Arbitrary shutdowns of public and private K-12 schools have left a generation of students behind. I'm grateful the administration has taken this step to provide emergency learning scholarships for students, empowering...
President Donald Trump issued full pardons to two former Border Patrol agents on Tuesday. A federal prosecutor filed charges in 2007 against the two agents who were involved in the shooting of a drug smuggler.
Amid a growing sense of frustration, President Trump has just tweeted that Attorney General William Barr will be leaving office before Christmas.
American flag
Under President Trump, America saw the greatest economy in history. Wages were up, unemployment – especially for minorities and women – was at historic lows, manufacturing was back, and jobs and businesses that had...
Trump Biden debate
Immigration Policy, one of the biggest topics of the 2016 Presidential elections, was not discussed in the first presidential and vice presidential debates.
Stacia Brightmon RNC
The American dream is alive and well in the Houston construction industry, as evidenced by the inspiring story of Stacia Brightmon, a single mother of two boys in Houston who is now working for S&B Engineers and...
This September, I released a comprehensive, 350-page investigative report about the Biden-Harris administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal, which damaged America’s reputation globally, emboldened our adversaries, and...
I was privileged to lead a congressional delegation to the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (most commonly known as COP29) to showcase the innovation and impact of U.S. energy on the global stage. Our message...
Today, I attended the inauguration ceremonies for the 46th President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden, and Vice President Kamala D. Harris. 
As members of Congress met in Washington to begin the process of voting to confirm states’ electoral college votes for the presidential election Wednesday, several Republican lawmakers called for a delay of the certification...
Happy Birthday Jesus!Christians take this time to express our gratitude to God for giving us His only son to redeem us, and to celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.
Three years ago, House Republicans and President Trump rewrote our nation’s tax code for the first time in 30 years.
Donald Trump
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said the Trump administration was a key part of accelerating the company's progress in developing the vaccine.
As we continue the fight against COVID-19, it is clear that the development of a safe, effective vaccine for the American people is the best way to defeat this virus.  Fortunately, Operation Warp Speed (OWS), created by...
border patrol
In response to COVID-19, the Trump administration ordered immigration enforcement agencies along the border to expel those apprehended under 42 U.S.C. § 265.
As member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I issued the following statement after the Trump administration issued new sanctions on Iran and amid reports that the United States is issuing an executive order locking...



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