2016 Presidential Election
The 2016 presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The series of presidential primary elections and caucuses is taking place between February 1 and June 2016.
March 31st, 2016
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Brokered Convention? Here are the Rules 1:46
Despite suspending his campaign, Sen. Marco Rubio is attempting to keep every delegate he won while...
March 30th, 2016
If you're under 50 you really need to read this. If you're over 50, you lived through it, so share it with those under 50.
March 28th, 2016
National Republican Congressional Committee - Hillary Clinton’s terrible week continued this morning as the Washington Post published a damning front page investigative report<
March 18th, 2016
While the political campaigns are moving on, Obama's Stalinist tactics were on parade when Loretta Lynch confirmed that she's referring complaints to DOJ against oil companies for potential criminal prosecution.
March 17th, 2016
The Donald released his first Anti-Hillary attack ad Wednesday – and while it may come as no surprise that it’s demeaning to women – the use of Vladimir Putin is a bit of a bizarre touch.
March 15th, 2016
Marco Rubio is dropping out of the presidential race after losing the Florida primary to Donald Trump and failing to unite the Republican establishment against the billionaire front-runner. "We live in a republic and our...
March 15th, 2016
Nobody loves an underdog story as much as I do, and Ted Cruz's story was that of an underdog in his bid for US Senate. I supported him when he had 2% name ID in the polls against David Dewhurst back in 2012. Dewhurst was...
March 14th, 2016
Central to that battle is a missed deadline by a Marco Rubio supporter in the state who objected to hundreds of signatures filed by Kasich's campaign to get onto the state's ballot. The deadline was missed, according to...
March 12th, 2016
The biggest reason to oppose Trump is that he is not a conservative nor a real Republican, even though in the eyes of his supporters the latter is a benefit. It is time to take a serious look at what Trumpism really is and...
March 10th, 2016
Earlier this week, America’s sweetheart, Donald Trump trotted out the samples closet of assorted Trump products that he’s marketed over the years. This included a number or branded products including suits, water and Trump...
March 31st, 2016
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump claims he is going to build a wall along the border and get Mexico to pay for it.
March 28th, 2016
As the presidential campaigns were being conducted in America on Tuesday, March 22, radical Islamic terrorists were attacking the Brussels Airport and Metro Station leaving body parts, dead, and injured scattered throughout...
March 23rd, 2016
If we are going to nominate Trump, we might want to ask the question, “Can Trump win?” I have already crunched the numbers on what Trump will need to win.
March 17th, 2016
Whether that task will mean trying to unite a splintered party behind an unpredictable outsider, Donald Trump, or brokering a contested convention where Republicans slug it out over possible alternatives, Ryan will likely be...
March 16th, 2016
Between March 8th and March 12th, we witnessed the path we are traveling politically, and it isn’t pretty. It began when a Breitbart reporter was forced to the ground by Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
March 15th, 2016
Much has been written about this illusory Donald Trump that America has been witnessing right before our eyes through the media. All we read, hear and see is about this man called Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican...
March 15th, 2016
The death of Nancy Reagan ended an era and is a reminder of a better era where politicians were statesmen and stateswomen: giants who ended a cold war without a nuclear exchange and gave the next generation a chance to...
March 14th, 2016
Six days ago 2,500 people attended a Fox News/Megyn Kelly Town Hall meeting with Ted Cruz in Raleigh, North Carolina. I arrived at 10:30 with a Cruz Field Director to a sea of overflow supporters.
March 10th, 2016
Ben Carson, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon who ended his presidential bid last week, plans to endorse Donald J. Trump Friday morning, three people familiar with the discussions said. Mr. Carson will make his endorsement...
March 10th, 2016
Writer’s Note: National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru and Rich Lowry tackled the question, how do we attract Trump supporters. They present a thesis on how to promote Conservative Populism and sell it beyond the 2016 elections...