United States

This summer, the Republican Party of Texas took a bold step forward on the issues of border security and immigration reform by adopting "The Texas Solution." The national Republican Party has now followed suit by...
The Hill is reporting that there may be a compromise that “allows” State GOPs to continue to chose their delegates to the National GOP convention. There is no mention about killing the proposed rule allowing the Rebublican...
From several sources in the convention, and now newswires, we are now hearing that the Rule change controversy has been resolved in favor of States’ retaining full control over delegate selection. The Texas delegation,...
Briefly, there are items that have passed the powerful Rules committee that freedom loving Texans and activists of other states are attempting to roll back. In a nutshell, the most egregious of the Rules changes would give...
Today we have lost one of our nation's finest heroes and a timeless symbol of the American spirit.Forty-three years ago, his was the voice that came through loud and clear at Johnson Space Center's Mission Control to alert...
Today I sent a letter to Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert requesting more information after it was reported that a Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine recently traveled undetected in the Gulf of...
I’ve been relatively sparse recently. But as sometimes happens, my comments have been piling up in the last few days. However, I was compelled to react to the Paul Ryan selection to be Romney’s VP running-mate, hopefully...
Today, I released the following statement in response to the Department of Labor’s unemployment report for the month of July:
Attention Republican National Delegates: DO NOT BACK DOWN. Go forward with the Minority Report. Reject these bad rule changes. DO NOT BELIEVE THE FAKE COMPROMISE. DEMAND A ROLL CALL VOTE!This Morning I got an urgent email...
Update: Morton Blackwell sent out an urgent message late last night stating that the compromise we have been hearing about regarding these issues is fake and is an attempt to get conservatives to back down! The...
There is an old adage in law that says “tough cases make bad law.” That phenomena is on display at the GOP’s 2012 Convention in Tampa, where the Rules Committee has agreed to a rule change that would effectively eliminate...
Sunday evening August 26th 2012---in Tampa. It is cloudy, muggy, and 79 degrees. It’s drizzling but no hurricane yet!We saw Herman Cain at the Tampa International Airport yesterday while we were waiting for our luggage. He...
Earlier this summer, the Republican Party of Texas took a bold step in leadership on the issue of immigration reform with the adoption of what has become known as "The Texas Solution". One of the key planks of The Texas...
Many think Obama has the youth vote wrapped up. However, this week I received an email from Matthew Faraci with "Generation Opportunity" (GO). GO is a non-profit group that is working on engaging young adults, early career...
At a work show, I once stood behind a man at the booth of a very large and well-known corporation that was advertising a position. Looking at the duties, the man was saying that he had done exactly those things in his work...
 The 2012 Republican National Convention will be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum from August 27-30, 2012. The purpose of every nominating convention, both Republican and Democratic, is to officially nominate the party’s...



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