Debbie Georgatos

Debbie Georgatos has lived in Dallas since 2000, and before that in Washington DC, New York, and San Diego. She is a campaign consultant for conservatives, former litigation attorney and Republican Party activist. She began her legal career representing large businesses and small business owners in employment-related litigation in a major Southern California law firm. She has served as Communications Director, County Co-Chair and fundraiser for major Texas-based Republican political campaigns.
She has served as Interim Chair and Vice Chair of the Dallas County Republican Party, a delegate to Senatorial District and Texas State Republican conventions, and a volunteer and organizer of a myriad of Republican functions. Debbie was President of Park Cities Republican Women for two years, and has served continuously on that board, in many capacities, since 2002. She also serves on the board of the Dallas County Council of Republican Women, and is a Texas representative for the national women’s organization The Kitchen Cabinet.
Debbie is a strong supporter of conservative think tanks that are dedicated to finding conservative, responsible solutions to the issues we face in Texas and America. She serves on the Dallas/Ft Worth Committee of the prominent national think tank The Heritage Foundation, and was an appointed commissioner on the Dallas City Community Development Commission.
Debbie thinks like a native Texan, but grew up in Schenectady, New York and has moved with her family to San Diego, Washington DC and then to Dallas in 2000. She graduated from Georgetown Law School in 1982, practiced law in San Diego, and was licensed as a member of the California and Washington DC bars. She and her husband of 25 years live in Dallas, and are dedicated to doing all that they can to support the continued strength and prosperity of America and Texas through advocating for conservative principles, so that their three children can live in an America as great as it can be.
Posts by Debbie Georgatos