
Republicans must come together to stand for policies that strengthen the core of society: The traditional family. Marriage must be protected. Life must be respected. Liberals suggest the policies we embrace are “divisive wedge issues,” but they could not be more wrong. Policies that strengthen the family are essential to a GOP that keeps its core conservative principles.
As we remember the tragic occurrences of 9/11 we must also recognize that we still live with the very real threat of continued acts of terrorism. Two American journalists have been savagely executed and the Middle East...
A twenty-four year Army officer was denied entrance to his daughter’s high school in Rochester, Michigan. His offense? He was wearing the uniform of the United States Army.Army Lt. Colonel Sherwood Baker went to his daughter...
Thirteen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, our nation’s thoughts and prayers remain with the families of the fallen and the lives that were forever changed. That morning, we witnessed firsthand the...
I was appalled to learn that VA officials were using an employee training slide show comparing our veterans to Sesame Street’s Oscar the Grouch. Unfortunately, this is symptomatic of the longstanding problems I have seen at...
Let me ask you your opinion on something: should Christians be involved in politics? Moreover, should Christians vote? There are all kinds of ethnic and religious groups involved in politics, but what about Christians?...
Earlier this week, I was delighted to meet with representatives from the H.E.R.O.E.S. (Helping Everyone Reach Outstanding Educational Success) program to discuss their upcoming initiatives and events to promote awareness for...
Today I announced my intent to file the Expatriate Terrorist Act (E.T.A.) of 2014 as soon as the Senate is called back into session on Monday, September 8th.Americans who choose to go to Syria or Iraq to fight with vicious...
In 1994, Russia promised to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons. Twenty years later, that agreement is nothing but a torn up piece of paper. Russian tanks rolled...
It’s a privilege to serve you and the rest of Texas’ 19th District every day. I’m honored to represent you in Congress, and every time I cast my vote in the Capitol, I think about how that particular bill will affect us in...
Pres. Obama: 'We Don't Have a Strategy Yet' to Fight ISIS gave his now infamous Cairo speech on June 4, 2009, and I wrote my thoughts on his ‘New Beginning’ speech on June 9....
Patriotism is alive and well in Comal County. SPC Justin “JP” Lane received a hero’s welcome on September 11, 2014 with a parade and BBQ, Texas-style. The event was to present JP, as he is called, with a home in Smithson...
As I paused to remember the fallen heroes of September 11, I am reminded that just 3 days later I began drafting one of my first essays. The Sound of Security has not been seen except by a few people before today...
Many Texans have already heard of Texan Ret. Staff Sgt. S​hilo Harris. He is an incredible human being, and I believe Shilo Harris is more than a true American hero: he is a leader. Staff Sergeant Shilo Harris’ Humvee hit an...
We’ve been hearing a lot about American Jihadists, and I contend that Obama is creating them. But THIS CLOSE!I recently asked the question of whether people believe ISIS is coming, or if ISIS is already here. Concensus was...
Kindness as defined by Webster's is a state or quality of being kind; specifically beneficence, kind feeling; affection."You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgement on someone else, for at whatever point you...
We recently celebrated the 45th anniversary of putting a man on the moon. I believe space inspires future generations to dream big and work hard. The first foot prints on the moon’s surface were made by Americans.I recently...
On Wednesday, September 17th, I will be participating in an event organized by Dallas Children's Advocacy Center to showcase "Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse", an educational video and companion booklet developed to...
Jonathan Saenz was the featured speaker at the Republican Club of Comal County for the August general meeting. His message was clear: he fights for Texas Values, Faith, Family and Freedom. Texas Values focuses only on...
The threat posed by ISIL should transcend partisan politics; with each passing day this terrorist group grows more capable and the danger to the U.S., our allies, and our interests becomes more serious.The President,...
Those of you, who know me, know that I am not a real big “government conspiracy” guy. However, I always love to listen to any conspiratorial story. I can easily listen to most suggestions of government conspiracy to cover...



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