
Republicans must come together to stand for policies that strengthen the core of society: The traditional family. Marriage must be protected. Life must be respected. Liberals suggest the policies we embrace are “divisive wedge issues,” but they could not be more wrong. Policies that strengthen the family are essential to a GOP that keeps its core conservative principles.
A woman Ive come to know, Liba, who lives in the United States has a son David who lives in Jerusalem with his wife Dalia and children Shai, Adi, and Tomer. They live a few blocks away from the parents of Ruth Fogel. Ive...
A little over a year ago, I published the main portion of this article. After reading through it again, I felt it was important to share it with you all again. I welcome you all to the fold of concerned Fellow Patriots. We...
An open letter to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Board of Directors and the Texas Legislature about the Problems that allowed for the Escape at Stiles Prison. These problems are most likely problems in most Texas...
On Wednesday February 9, 2011, the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee held a public hearing on the Ultrasound Bill, Senate Bill 16, introduced by Senator Dan Patrick, a Republican from the Houston area. I drove to Austin...
“As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it.” - Dick Cavett 
Today, I addressed the 2011 Inaugural Conference of the Hispanic Leadership Network in Coral Gables, FL. The following are my remarks, as prepared for delivery:Thank you, Jorge Plasencia. I want to thank our co-chairs for...
With prefiling of legislation beginning on November 8 for the upcoming legislative session, Representative Allen Fletcher from TX District 130 has filed four house bills and one joint resolution.
Until the 2007 Supreme Court case of Gonzales v. Carhart, State Legislatures hoping to place restrictions on abortion access faced an uphill battle. A long line of Supreme Court Decisions since Roe v. Wade...
Today, I spoke on the Senate floor urging colleagues to oppose the current version of the New START Treaty and outlining reasons the treaty would send a message of weakness to America’s adversaries. 
Looking back on this year, through my work with VOCES Action, I have met a lot of conservative advocates, candidates and leaders. There are many Americans who have boldly stood up for our freedoms, demanding a return to our...
The good news, Republicans are seeing gains in both congressional seats and electorial college votes. The bad news is that many of those votes are the result of increase Hispanic population growth, which brings us to the big...
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Message submitted by Republican, Conservative activist Sharon Roberts about the current state of the Texas Budget and why it may be necessary to lightly tap into the Texas Rainy Day Fund.This week,...
It occurred to me the other day while I was working on a CIA Bulletin informing about the Texas billboards and pet situation just how blessed we are in Texas and America.
Break the egg of a turtle or bird on the Endangered Species List and no one will question whether the fetus or embryo was a leather backed turtle or a pelican. But according to op-eds in the Houston Chronicle, the Austin...
At this writing, Egypt remains in turmoil. The land of the Pharaohs, the Nile River that Moses floated down as a baby, and the country Jesus spent his early childhood in is again facing historic if not so world-changing...
A few days ago MTV’s “16 and Pregnant” featured a young woman discussing her decision to have an abortion. Nationally televised, we heard the after show reaffirmation by Dr.
With the release of the latest census numbers it is clear that Texas was the big winner this decade. Four new Congressional seats create a tremendous opportunity for Texas to continue to lead the Conservative Movement. 
Greta Van Susteren, Rev. Franklin Graham, whose aid group works in Haiti, and Sarah Palin recently traveled to Haiti to give viewers an in-depth look into the cholera outbreak, post-earthquake ravage, and the relief effort...
Waste Management drivers, helpers and technicians in Rensselaer and Albany Counties recently got training in mobile community watch."They're on these routes every day so they're used to the normal situation so they are able...
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Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who have taken the time to read my postings over the past nearly one and a half years. I am grateful for the opportunity to talk with you about issues we believe are important.



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