
Republicans must come together to stand for policies that strengthen the core of society: The traditional family. Marriage must be protected. Life must be respected. Liberals suggest the policies we embrace are “divisive wedge issues,” but they could not be more wrong. Policies that strengthen the family are essential to a GOP that keeps its core conservative principles.
Thank God our Texas legislators had the courage to require pregnant mothers beginning in 2012 to have a sonogram prior to aborting their child! If you ever doubted sonograms would save lives, please watch this nine minute...
The Mayor of Houston has backed down on the subpoenas that she issued to five pastors for "all speeches, presentations, or sermons" on a variety of topics, including the mayor, and "gender identity."Despite backing off of...
It's pretty remarkable that one of the most wacky, tyrannical definitionally un-American governing actions I've seen in this country, comes not from San Francisco or Burlington, Vermont, or not even from New York, L.A. or...
It’s been said that the military’s purpose is two-fold: “To kill people and to break things.” But in the battle against an invisible enemy, in this case the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, United States military forces are...
DALLAS, Texas -- The governor’s office is taking over the decontamination process at the apartment of the 2nd Ebola patient. Clean Guys Environmental, hired by the county, is being replaced by Protect Environmental Services...
On Wednesday, we learned that the first patient to be diagnosed with Ebola in the United States passed away. My deepest condolences go out to the loved ones of Mr. Duncan and all of the medical professionals who diligently...
This story was originally published on The Quorum Report. The conservative website recently launched with the express purpose of attacking a longtime pro-life advocate has apparent links to the conservative group...
This story originally appeared in The Quorum Report.After publicly taking a stand against Midland oilman Tim Dunn’s spokesman Michael Quinn Sullivan for failing to register as a lobbyist, pro-life activist Joe...
DALLAS, Texas -- Breitbart Texas has learned a complaint was filed with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, also known as CPS. The complaint was filed on Sunday morning by a concerned Dallas citizen who had...
This week the first person in the United States to be diagnosed with Ebola was admitted to Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas in Dallas, TX. Before the news broke publicly, I had the chance to speak with the Director of the...
The Texas Department of State Health Services announced today it is enacting its own travel ban on health workers who have treated Ebola patients. The decision comes as the Obama administration continues to refuse to enforce...
Justitia, Lady Justice, has been ‘blinded’ since the 15th century. The blindfold signifies objectivity, that justice should be measured accurately without fear or favor, regardless of race, gender, religion, personal wealth...
In anticipation of the annual Congressional Veterans Commendation ceremony on Saturday, November 1, I encourage 3rd District constituents to show their gratitude to all our veterans by attending this special event. The... of us have heard of Ebola but that was a faraway disease, never to be in America! Actually, even if we had heard about Ebola, we didn’t know...
Tuesday evening I was delighted to join constituents in Richardson, Rowlett, and Wylie to participate in National Night Out. National Night Out is a program that started in 1984 as “America’s Night Out Against Crime,” and...
I recently wrote an op-ed in Politico responding to President Obama’s admission that the United States underestimated ISIS. President Obama’s willingness to make concessions to the Islamic Republic in pursuit of a deal,...
Recently, a bill I co-authored, H.R. 5229, the Wounded Warrior Federal Leave Act of 2014, was approved by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and will likely appear on the House Floor in November for final votes...
The Fed likes to report good news. Whether it’s interest rates, unemployment rates, housing start, whatever, it’s never bad news. Even when it’s bad news, the spin will be that everything is under control. The same is true...
Over the past few weeks, I’ve traveled around the Second District to visit with constituents and hear your thoughts and concerns about what’s going on around the world. I also traveled to Brooks County last week to speak...
Friday I wrote to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske to request additional information on the screening process for incoming passengers to the U.S. following this week’s first confirmed...



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