Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

No! In 2010, Arizona was condemned by the Obama Administration for its efforts to enforce immigration laws on its own. I strongly believe Arizona has the right to try to solve its problems, especially when the federal...
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The Washington Post reports that, once again, shots have been fired from Mexico into the United States.  This time, drug cartels, fired at road workers in Hudspeth County, Texas.
The Senate voted 55-41 in favor of the Dream Act today, which means it did not get the 60 votes needed to avoid filibuster. The bill is effectively killed for this year. Most immediately, the measure would have helped grant...
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In the darkness of night, Tuesday night (12/14) another US Border Patrol Agent was gunned down and killed along the Arizona/Mexico Border. Agent Brian A.
I seldom agree with the Houston "Comical," but Lisa Faulkenbergs hit the nail on the head with this article. Senator Hutchison's staff evidently has not read the latest draft of the Dream Act!
The US House and Senate are expected to hold votes on the DREAM Act later this week, sometime between Wednesday, Dec. 8 and Friday, Dec. 10, but what’s the rush? I am all for having an open and honest debate on the merits...
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There is a lot of merit to the Dream Act. And now we have four versions of the Dream Act to pick from.  The newest version, S.3992, fixes many of the objections raised in earlier TexasGOPVote articles. For instance, "...
It is really amazing what happens when one actually reads the text of a bill. You find out what the Democrats are really up to! Democrats have been teasing Hispanic Voters for years with the Dream Act. Dangling it like a...
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I spoke with Congressman Gene Green (D-TX29) at the Texas Redistricting Conference about the Lame Duck session of Congress, currently underway in Washington DC.  We discussed extending the Bush Tax Cuts and the Dream Act....
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As the sun came up over the Texas Capitol Wednesday morning something was different. No, you really couldn't see it if you looked at the majestic Texas Capitol, but there was something new... something different.  Ah, I see...
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A YouTube video of two girls scaling an Arizona border fence has brought into question the effectiveness of border fences and the Secure Fence Act. This video was brought to my attention by Sally MacDonald of Houstons Fox 26...
“To sum the matter up, the authorities are afraid, men with property and families are afraid, employees and decent workmen are afraid, and the only people who have nothing to fear at present are the criminals”. - Hans L...
I made the following statements today regarding the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal and the Dream Act.Don't Ask Don't Tell:With three of the four military service chiefs expressing clear reservations over the proposed...
Dear All,Greetings! I am taking my stand with Norman Adams. He appears to be the lone voice of reason and common sense on the immigration issue.I personally like the Hispanic people and their commitment to family and the...
There was a man who wanted a better life and believed there had to be a better way. He was not educated but he had a very strong work ethic and could catch on pretty quickly.
There has been a lot of misleading information in opposition to this legislation. But the truth is, it’s the right thing to do for our country, for our economy and for young people who were brought here through no fault of...
WHO AM I?My name is Norman E. Adams. I have been a small business owner (an insurance agent) for 45 years. I have been active in the Republican Party for 40+ years. In the last 25 years, due to the abortion...
Once again, Lame Duck Democrats (led by the arrogance of Sen. Harry Reid, D-NV) are playing dirty politics to will try and shove the Dream Act through the Senate without proper debate. Clearly, Reid and the Democrats could...
I came across an article called, “How Hispanic Voters Kept Texas Red” written by a Houston attorney named Mark R. Yzaguirre. I read this article and I place a capitalized WARNING label on it.
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The Houston Police Department has issued a reports saying that there has been an overall decrease in violent crime in Houston during the first nine months of this year compared to last.  Some other major (non-violent) crimes...



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