Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

Senator John Cornyn recently stated that he is ready to work with legislators on an immigration bill. Personally, I would like to thank Senator Cornyn for stepping up to the plate on this volatile issue.
It is clear that our nation has a broken immigration system and is in dire need of mending. Watch the video below to see what President Ronald Reagan would do: 
Governor Rick Perry made the following statement recently regarding Arizona SB1070, the recent debate over immigration policy in Washington, and border security.
Protesters gathered around the nation today to rally and call Congress to enact on immigration reform and to show anger toward Arizona's tough new law, SB 1070. According to the The New York Times:The protests added...
Hundreds of thousands of pople assembled in Washington, DC March 21st for a March For America protest. On May 1st, Reform Immigration For America is holding more March For America protests across the nation
If you lived in Phoenix, and you had a phone call informing you your 7 year old child had just been abducted from a school playground, you might have been first in line demanding Governor Jan Brewer sign SB 1070 into law....
Manny Rosales, Deputy Director in the Coalitions Division of the Republican National Committee (RNC) was in Tomball this morning and spoke at a meeting organized by Barbara Tague, Harris County Republican Party Precinct 529...
Over the last few weeks I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with the Mayors, City Council members, and other representatives from cities across Texas as they visit Washington to discuss local issues. I have met with delegations...
With victory on health care in hand, the Obama administration begins to move toward other targets including cap and trade, union card checking, as well immigration reform. But there is theme that is starting to coming up;...
11:00 (EST): A sunny day in Washington, DC today. There are 50,000 people expected to attend the March for America at the National Mall today.1:30 (EST): Thousands of marchers from across the United States ascend upon the...
Where to go from here on Immigration? Of the present economic versus security debate, the late Richard Nadler wrote, “The days of the “open border” are grinding to a close. But the nature of the border control that...
Over the past few months, I’ve heard from Texans of all walks of life during visits throughout the state, through phone calls, letters, emails and comments on Facebook and Twitter. What I’m hearing consistently is an...
Bravo to Senator Cornyn! The Texas GOP should unite behind his efforts to help pass a SENSIBLE approach to immigration reform. No Amnesty! No Deportations! ID them and Tax them! Read more about this in John Stanton's...
I wrote the following op-ed for the Houston Chronicle:The political and economic climate in our country is right for American leaders to fix our broken immigration system. Although they don't...
The following was sent in from The Republican Party of Texas:In the wake of cross-border killings and kidnappings, increasing drug violence in Mexico and the threat of international terrorism, the nation is embroiled in a...
TexasGOPVote blogger and Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy (TXSIP) Co-Founder Norman Adams joined me on Newsradio 1080 KRLD in Dallas/Fort Worth to talk about the latest efforts in Washington to pass immigration reform...
The following is a response I wrote regarding George Will's article stating kids of non-citizens have no right to U.S. citizenship:Dear Mr. Will:
Dr. Steven Hotze of Conservative Republicans of Texas has personally been promoting the TxSIP position on Sensible Immigration Policy.Resolutions for the state platform start at the precinct caucuses on the night of the...
With Washington focused like a laser lately on health insurance reform, there hasn't been too much attention given to another system that needs reform badly: Our broken immigration system. Some protesters gathered at the...
March For America is a protest taking place Sunday, March 21st in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this protest is to demand that Obama and Congress keep their promise to enact immigration reform legislation. TexasGOPVote...



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