John Cornyn Open to Working on Immigration Reform
by Norman Adams on May 4, 2010 at 9:04 AM
Bravo to Senator Cornyn! The Texas GOP should unite behind his efforts to help pass a SENSIBLE approach to immigration reform. No Amnesty! No Deportations! ID them and Tax them! Read more about this in John Stanton's Roll Call article:
National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (Texas) is leaving the door open to working with Democrats on comprehensive immigration reform - so long as President Barack Obama commits to using his bully pulpit to advance legislation.
Most other Republicans have dismissed as a political ploy a framework released by Senate Democrats on Thursday, arguing it is designed to help Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) secure his re-election. But Cornyn told the newspaper La Opinion that while he was "surprised" to see Reid, Democratic Conference Vice Chairman Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and other Democrats unveil their blueprint, "There's lots of it that is good."
But Cornyn, who is the ranking member on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security, cautioned that "the problem is that the details are very important and need to be resolved." He told La Opinion that he is open to discussing the bill with Schumer and other Democrats, so long as the White House makes a commitment to leading on the issue.
Cornyn, who was a key negotiator on a comprehensive immigration reform bill in 2007, told the paper that he has told Schumer he "is willing to work, but I also said that the President needs to use his political influence to move this."
Schumer has targeted a handful of Republicans - Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), George LeMieux (Fla.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Judd Gregg (N.H.) and Dick Lugar (Ind.) - as potential negotiators on a bipartisan immigration bill. The New York Democrat turned to those lawmakers after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), dropped out of negotiations.
However, Cornyn said he has also had periodic talks with Schumer over the past year, and Reid's office has targeted the conservative Texas as a potential partner.
The Democrats' 22-page legislative summary, based on the now-defunct talks between Graham and Schumer, would establish a series of border security benchmarks that must be met before broader reforms are enacted . . .
Cornyn, A Strong Leader
FINALLY! A Republican who
One real leader standing
This looks like good news. I dont know why all the people we send to D.C. never take any bold steps. Some one should address IMMIGRATION problem. But lawmakers somehow thinks, neglecting the problem ,solves the problem. How ignorant are they ?
I really appreciate and encourage John Cornyn on standing and open the door on this matter.
Great going!!! Bravo!!!!!!
Immigration reform
Immigration needs to be addressed with border security, workers' rights, and employers' needs central to any solution. It must not be an amnesty but a form of justice which allows 12 million people to come out of the shadows to accept legal sanctions for the transgression of illegal entry and with a pathway towards legality for those who meet prerequisites reflecting their worthiness for the privileges of remaining here. Then we can identify who is here, tax them, provide them an opportunity to purchase health insurance, and have them drive legally and insured.
Resources then can be focused on increased border security and on verifying the legality of all future employees.