common sense
May 20th, 2010
The following press release was sent in from GOP candidate Bryan Underwood's campaign:Friday Bryan Underwood, Republican candidate for Texas’ 28th Congressional District, called on Congress to implement comprehensive...
May 1st, 2010
I wrote the following op-ed for the Houston Chronicle:The political and economic climate in our country is right for American leaders to fix our broken immigration system. Although they don't...
April 8th, 2010
The Democrats are trying to introduce racism into their attack on the Tea Partiers, claiming their recent health care protests in D.C. had racial attacks or overtones. Bachmann says the 30 thousand Tea Partiers who were in...
March 5th, 2010
During the day, I usually listen to a couple of radio talk show hosts. I remember the late 1980’s when Rush Limbaugh was growing into a national phenomenon. All of my life before, there had been no media representation of...
May 4th, 2010
Bravo to Senator Cornyn! The Texas GOP should unite behind his efforts to help pass a SENSIBLE approach to immigration reform. No Amnesty! No Deportations! ID them and Tax them! Read more about this in John Stanton's...
April 14th, 2010
This story on Obamacare was sent to me- it's the best explanation of how this bill works that I've read yet! I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating...
March 11th, 2010
We know of the conservatism of Samuel Johnson, Edmund Burke, Russell Kirk, Goldwater, and Buckley- the conservative philosophy of our Founding Fathers that guided their contentious debates when they changed "Life, Liberty,...