Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

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Texas State Representative Allen Fletcher (R-Dist. 130) had a hugely successful sophomore session this summer in Austin. At the beginning of the session, Fletcher was named Vice Chairman of the Homeland Security and Public...
The content was more immediately relevant over the questions being raised over Newt Gingrich’s comments relative to immigration than of what I had mostly written, but can wait.
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Yet another episode of drug related violence took place in Northwest Houston on Monday as members of the Los Zetas drug cartel ambushed a police confidential informant who was driving a load of marijuana. During the incident...
So this is what happens when you allow a pro-abortion, enviromentalist machine like FAIR and NumbersUSA to write your policy proposals, you get recalled and as early reports indicate, voted out. Like George Will, many of...
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An amazing thing happened Saturday night as two of the top candidates for the Republican nomination for president, Mr. Herman Cain and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich sat down at an event organized by Texas Patriots PAC....
The Texas Department of Public Safety has issued a public warning. Drug Cartels are recruiting Texas kids to join their violent gangs and to traffic drugs and even be beaten to death.Fox News posted up this story today. The...
It has been awhile since you last heard the krumbrucedailyrant. Mostly, the restraints of time were the main culprit but also in part, it was by the restraint of self. There have been numerous occasions that the rant was...
Today, I responded to reports that firearms traced to the alleged “Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation also turned up along the Texas-Mexico border in El Paso, in addition to Phoenix.Attorney General Holder and Justice...
As previously reported by this author, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF, BATFE) have been involved in an ongoing criminal conspiracy covering up the circumstances...
Immigration has now come front and center in the Republican primaries. One idea promoted recently has been the Red Card Solution, proposed by Helen Krieble and promoted by Michael Reagan. The Red Card Solution is not a...
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”  - Albert EinsteinIn an effort to bring attention to an obvious problem, Newt Gingrich dared to walk the...
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.Thomas JeffersonA confident Republican is one who dares, to question the rhetoric, the laws, or disunity of what the...
Border Shootout in Starr County between Roma, TX and Rio Grande City, TX.There are not many details available yet, but we know that this afternoon there was a shootout in Starr County Texas that involved Law...
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott sent a letter to President Obama on November 2nd, 2011. The letter had a clear message. I TOLD YOU SO!Greg Abbott has been pleading for the Obama Administration to take action to protect...
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Last week in The Woodlands, Texas Barnes and Noble bookstore, Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain took questions from the Houston news media and from TexasGOPVote.  Mr. Cain was in Texas promoting his new book,...
Health and Wellness doctor and political activist, Dr. Steve Hotze, was recognized by Houston based Republican Hispanic Citizens in Action (RHCIA) this week for his efforts on behalf of Conservative Hispanic voter outreach....
Governor Perry simply needs to stand strong on the Texas Legislature's decision to grant in-state tuition. If you have not read the Wall Street Journal article entitled "Texas's Immigration Choices: Rick Perry's pragmatism...
In March, Obama had an 18 point lead over Herman Cain in an Obama-Cain poll, but the difference is growing smaller. A month ago, Obama held a 7 point lead, and today's Rasmussen's poll has Obama at a 5 point lead. Herman...
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Congressional District 25 Republican candidate and former Mayor of Highland Village, Texas, Dianne Costa. This is the fourth of five parts of this interview. This segment...



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