Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

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President Barack Obama has a long history of hypocrisy when it comes to Hispanics. He has made many promises to Hispanics and delivered on none of them.  He continues to dangle the carrot of promises, but so far, the...
This online debate between Shirley Spellerberg and Norman Adams is a continuation from Feb. 9th.In the Florida Debate, the topic of the DREAM Act resurfaced as Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich said they could support a...
This post is one side of an ONLINE DEBATE between Norman Adams and Shirley Spellerberg.Norm--Times have changed drastically in America and around the world since WWII. At that time radical Islam did not present a...
The screamers are the minority! The voting majority wants sensible immigration reform.Arizona's business owners recently kicked Republican Senator Russell Pearce (sponsor of SB 70) out of office with a recall election!
See two opposing viewpoints on this issue from Shirley Spellerberg and Norman Adams.In the Florida Debate, the topic of the DREAM Act resurfaced as Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich said they could support a version of...
This post is one side of an ONLINE DEBATE between Norman Adams and Shirley Spellerberg.What about the Jihadists already in our country?
On January 10th, a summit called the Immigration Summit: The Cost of Savings of Implementing Immigration Reform was hosted at Rice University in Houston, Texas. The Immigration Summit was sponsored by AJC (American Jewish...
In 1990, the Republicans sought to make right the exclusion of protection of young children from the amnesty that had been passed in 1986 by President Reagan’s first round of the Life Act. Headed by Republican Senator Orin...
In December of 2010, US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by a gang of Mexican banditos. Two of the weapons involved in the shooting were learned to have come from a federal program called "Operation Fast &...
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Employee misclassification is a major problem in Texas and across the country.  I have written several articles on this subject and have been following articles on Construction Citizen referencing employee misclassification...
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Speaking before a sold-out crowd of over 800 Houston business and community leaders, radio talk-show host Michael Berry joined with Texans for Sensible Immigration Reform activist Norman Adams, immigration attorney C
This post is one side of an ONLINE DEBATE between Norman Adams and Shirley Spellerberg.Shirley, Times certainly have changed. Prior to 1923, when our ancestors came to America, we had no quotas! If our...
A fascinating story out of Kansas, where they’ve passed a law that would create a state-sponsored program to help businesses recruit workers who are illegally in the United States. Norman Adams with Texans for Sensible...
Many Americans in the United States are asking what could be a good ticket for the presidential nomination. The candidates in the Republican Party have been on the race for several months, some for several years. One thing...
This post is one side of an ONLINE DEBATE between Norman Adams and Shirley Spellerberg.My good friend Shirley Spellerberg has a problem with the two most likely presumptive GOP nominees for President. She...
On January 10th, a summit called the Immigration Summit: The Cost of Savings of Implementing Immigration Reform was hosted at Rice University in Houston, Texas. The Immigration Summit was sponsored by AJC (American Jewish...
Words are strong and can persuade. They can create division or they can unite. Words can hurt or they can heal. It is the rhetoric that will drive Latinos away from the GOP, many contend. What many journalists and...
For 10 years, thousands of American troops have fought against terrorism and for the liberation of Iraq. Many have sacrificed their lives on the altar of freedom on behalf of people in a land halfway around the world,...
“ID ’em and TAX ’em”My name is Norman E. Adams. Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy is a coalition formed to offer a “sensible” solution to our immigration problem. Americans overwhelmingly oppose deportation of...
The Honorable Lamar SmithU. S. House of Representatives2409 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515 and 1100 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 640San Antonio, TX 78209Dear Mr. Smith:



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