
Many people believe the Government has been whittling away at Liberty and the rights of the people enshrined in the US Constitution for many years, especially since the attacks on our nation on 9-11-2001. Now the 2nd...
Please make plans to attend!Show support for this rally on facebook! Go to the rally facebook event page HERE and click like or click join to tell everyone that you are going to the Kountze Rally To Support Kountze Kids...
UPDATE: Judge Says Kountze Students ALLOWED to Hold Religious Signs until Hearing. Restraining Order by Judge Steve Thomas Help these Texas Students Fight for their Right to Express Their Faith!...
What is it with the left and their admiration for China? Elizabeth Warren's most recent ad claims we should be more like China since they build a lot of roads. This is the same Elizabeth Warren whose claim of being part...
Historian Kevin Gutzman discusses “executive privilege.” A few snippets:The Executive Branch was intended by the Constitution’s authors and ratifiers to be precisely that – the executor of policies made by Congress, not a...
This election may be a transformation election, beginning with the economy, but underneath the surface is the question: can we limit the power of government? Obamacare is but one case where economic freedom is at stake....
AMENDMENT ICongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people...
Today, I released a report on the U.S. Justice Department’s disregard of the Constitution and rule of law. As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Smith is leading efforts to oversee Attorney General Eric...
“More sparingly should this praise be allowed to a government, where a man’s religious rights are violated by penalties, or fettered by tests, or taxed by a hierarchy. Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”...
America’s devastating loss to Obama a couple weeks ago has prompted a lot of discussion about how the Republican Party moves forward from here. The talk of dropping social conservatism is the most disturbing to me. Social...
NRA's Jacqueline Otto is interviewed by Bob Price, TexasGOPVote
The U.S. Senate race between incumbent Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown and Republican challenger Josh Mandel is under the spotlight of national attention. This neck and neck race could be one of the key races in determining a...
A Washington D.C. Court has ruled against a Texas Voter ID Law and has also ruled against the latest Texas Redistricting Maps. The rulings are a result of Obama's DOJ leader Eric Holder's unconstitutional, race-based attacks...
Obamacare passed its constitutional test as Chief Justice John Roberts punted. Roberts was left with a dilemma, does he overturn an important Congressional imperative by the narrowest of margins?This would have put the...
Liberty depends on each of us keeping our word, following the rule of law, and honoring contracts. When men and women will not honor their promises or keep their word, the law must enforce contracts. At least nominally, this...
[Editor’s note: Mark Ramsey was a member of the State GOP Platform committee in 2010 and 2012, and was also elected to the State Republican Executive Committee from Senate District 7 (SREC SD7), Senator Dan Patrick’s...
In the past it could be said without doubt that America above all other nations valued human life as sacred and recognized the right to life as the foundation of all liberty. Even though America’s founding documents still...
Many, including this writer, have lamented the tyranny oft-imposed by the judicial branch on the rest of us. Such abuses have included “Alice in Wonderland” interpretations such as:The Voting Rights Act of 1965 being...
The long awaited oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the subject of the constitutionality of the Obamacare legislation are over, and the Justices are securely ensconced in the halls and offices of the Supreme Court...



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