Candidate Training School


The HCRP Candidates Committee in partnership with the Houston Young Republicans are offering specialized training on August 24th for those planning to run for office this next election cycle. Please download the form and return it to the HCRP office by August 17th. No walk-ins will be allowed. The cost is $60, which covers the training and lunch at Studio Movie Grill. The training curriculum and presentation will be conducted by The Leadership Institute of Arlington, Virginia. Read more about Candidate Training School

Texas Law Enforcement Officers Arrest One of State’s Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives


The press release came in from Attorney General Greg Abbott:

DALLAS – Law enforcement officers with the Texas Attorney General’s Fugitive Apprehension Unit and the Duncanville Police Department successfully located and arrested one of the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Most Wanted Fugitives. Fredrick Lee Davis, 25, was arrested Wednesday in Duncanville and booked into the Dallas County Correctional Facility.

Earlier this week, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s Parole Division issued an arrest warrant against Davis for violating

Black Rep. James White Criticizes Holder and GOP Rep. Sensenbrenner for implying that Texas Restricts Minority Voting Rights


State Representative James White has sent a letter to Republican Congressman James (Jim) Sensenbrenner blasting Sensenbrenner and Eric Holder, and demanding that they stop messing with the 10th Amendment rights of Texas.

Rep. James White, a Texas Tea Party Conservative, knows quite a bit about the voting rights of minorities in Texas because, well, he is a minority in Texas.

Specifically, Rep. White chastized Republican Rep. Sensenbrenner for saying it is okay to put Texas under the unfair preclearance microscope of the Voting Rights Act, while at the same time, 

UNHRC Resolution: 'International Solidarity' In Addressing Poverty

A resolution adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on July 24, 2013 contains language and intentions which could at best be described as Socialistic or Communist in nature. The title of the resolution is “Human Rights and International Solidarity.”

The resolution seeks to ensure the concept of “international solidarity” is included in all efforts to help or aid poor nations,

Montgomery County voters should be fuming at commissioners’ jail actions


In 2006, Montgomery County Commissioners Court unanimously issued $45 million in revenue bonds (no voter approval necessary) to finance the clumsy scheme known as the Joe Corley Jail. Voters were told at the time that the 1,288-bed Joe Corley Jail, built next door to the existing Montgomery County Jail, would “initially house federal inmates” but eventually would meet the “future need for more bed

Is "Refusing to Rule" a New Form of Judicial Activism?


Judicial Activism?  No Decision IS a DecisionIt seems a trend of judicial activism is growing in our federal courts. Judges have apparently learned they can advance their own agenda through what appears to be a new form of judicial activism - doing nothing! Judge Robert Gerber in the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Courts has been doing this for years by not ruling on motions before him in the LyondellBasell bankruptcy case. Now it seems Washington, DC Federal District Judge Amy Berman Jackson has learned this trick in relation to the Contempt of Congress charges filed against U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Read more about Is "Refusing to Rule" a New Form of Judicial Activism?

Senator Ted Cruz will be speaking at the Kingwood TEA Party Constitution Day Celebration and Fundraiser on 8/19

The following is a press release from the Kingwood TEA Party regarding their Constitution Day celebration on August 19th:

We are looking forward to having all of you join us as we celebrate the United States Constitution with Senator Ted Cruz, Attorney General Abbott, and a large gathering of our elected officials and candidates.

Senator Ted Cruz will be speaking at 6:00pm at the Kingwood TEA Party Constitution Day Celebration and Fundraiser on 8/19. Read more about Senator Ted Cruz will be speaking at the Kingwood TEA Party Constitution Day Celebration and Fundraiser on 8/19

Houston City Council Poised to Attack Wage Theft, Payroll Fraud and Misclassification

Houston City HallTexasGOPVote has been reporting on issues regarding wage theft, payroll fraud and employee misclassification for several years now. Recently the Texas Legislature passed legislation to help clamp down on some companies that are misclassifying their workers as independent contractors instead of employees. This practice cheats the taxpayers of Texas and creates an unfair business competitive advantage over companies that follow the law. Now the Houston City Council is considering passing an ordinance to crack down on unethical companies who cheat employees out of hard earned wages.

An article by Laura Perez-Boston on reports that a grassroots coalition of workers from 34 business and civic organizations have

Obama: Put More Black Kids in Prison Program


Obama has more excuses than he has scandals concerning the myriad of problems in the black community, including the bad behavior of black kids in schools.

In his latest “I hate imperialist white America” action, Obama wants to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that penalties are more fair.

In other words, so what black kids behave worse in overwhelming numbers

Farrakhan says things are so bad in America, even electing a black president can’t help black people

I agree with Farrakhan that government is not the solution for blacks, or anybody else. But to not place any blame on Obama, and to blame the problems of “black America” on racism and greed of the past is ridiculous. Read more about Farrakhan says things are so bad in America, even electing a black president can’t help black people


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