Army Gives Hasan What He Wants: Not Martyrdom, But Over $3 Million Dollars


Hasan gets Death plus $3 MillionIt was clear from the beginning of the trial at Fort Hood that Army Major Nidal Hasan, the now convicted and sentenced murdering terrorist of the massacre at Fort Hood, wanted to receive the death penalty. Many believe this is because he wants to be a martyr to Islamic extremists across the globe. I believe it is something much more simple - over $3 Million in military pay.

In researching this, it seems there is a little quirk in military justice laws and how officers are paid after they are convicted. In a case like this, the accused is normally given a reduction in pay to E-1 (private in the case of the Army) and sentenced to a bad conduct discharge in connection to the sentence of either life in prison or the death penalty.

Immigration Works USA Teams up with Congressman Poe to Discuss What Houston Employers Need


Last week, the group, Immigration Works USA, hosted a panel discussion moderated by U.S. Congressman Ted Poe called Immigration Reform: What Houston Employers Need. The event was held at Pappadeaux with opening remarks given by owner, Chris Pappas. Tamar Jacoby, president of Immigration Works USA was also on hand to kick off the event and shared a little about herself and the group:

"We're a national federation of small business owners working for better immigration law. We represent everyone from restauranteurs, to hotel owners to farmers to construction contractors to cleaning and maintenance to healthcare employers. And they are employers who love their immigrant workers, depend on their immigrant workers, want nothing more than to have a legal immigrant workforce. So we're very pleased today to be here. We're active in Washington; I spend a lot of time roaming around the halls of Congress. What we really do is try to lift up the voices of some of those employers so that they can make their case directly to the members in their community and to their elected officials."
Read more about Immigration Works USA Teams up with Congressman Poe to Discuss What Houston Employers Need

Tax-Cheat Rangel Says College Should Be Free

Charlie Rangel says that kids should not have to pay for college, and he’s right. Because American students would get what they didn’t pay for…NOTHING!

Truth be told, Liberals would love to offer free “education,” as fresh coeds each year is a perk for professors. The government gets what it wants, which is (1) drones, or (2) zombies. The difference between a drone and a zombie

San Antonio Christians Fight For Right Of Conscience!


The proposed San Antonio Non-Discrimination ordinance that Mayor Julian Castro would like passed is probably the most controversial issue that I can remember being argued in San Antonio. This issue has not only been in the local liberal media but has made the national media, both conservative and liberal. It is the Christians and those that want our 1st Amendment Right of Conscience from eroding further that strongly oppose this ordinance.

The local liberal media and at least one San Antonio radio talk show host,

Randy Neugebauer's Continued NSA Data Collection Concerns

Last month, I wrote to you about data collection by the National Security Agency (NSA). I explained then that I believed that the program should be continued. I based that decision on the information available to me about the program’s privacy protections and its success at stopping terrorist attacks. Since then, we’ve learned that the NSA has overstepped its legal authority and violated the privacy of American citizens. While some of these incidents were computer errors, the sheer number of violations indicates a serious lack of oversight at best, and a disregard for the law at worst. Read more about Randy Neugebauer's Continued NSA Data Collection Concerns

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part V – Show Me the Money!


“Heiress and bird-lover Cordelia Scaife May believed nature and the U.S. were under siege from runaway population growth. Eight years after her death, she continues to influence the immigration debate.” Joseph Tanfini, L.A. Times

What do FAIR, NumbersUSA, and CIS all have in common (besides John Tanton, and Board Members made up of population-control environmentalists, of course)? The answer is: MONEY! IRS records show that in 2010, one charitable foundation with roots in extreme environmentalism and population control, the Colcom Foundation, contributed over $7.1 million to these organizations. Read more about Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part V – Show Me the Money!

Deception by Omission


The new anti-Stand Your Ground video is a perfect example of Deception by Omission… which is also, by the way, what most mainstream media is guilty of doing on a daily basis in their presentation of the news.

In addition, as usual, the left uses emotion rather than facts to present their side in a video that has clearly circumvented the facts presented during the Zimmerman trial in order to appeal to the uneducated, ill-informed liberal

We Must Stop Amnesty! But, is anybody even asking for it?


Words Without MeaningThe battle cry goes far and wide... No Amnesty, No Way, No How! Great! I am with you 1000%. Absolutely no amnesty. But wait, no one is asking for amnesty. So why is it that you hear someone parroting this mantra of "No Amnesty, No Amnesty" every time you turn on talk radio or go to a meeting where anything even remotely connected (or sometimes not even connected at all) to immigration is being discussed? It is the new word for "Shut the hell up!"

You see, the left has been doing this for years. Disagree with something they want and they scream "RACIST!" at the top of their lungs to the offending conservative knowing that because no one wants to be called a racist,

Saluting Our Military with Special Guest Rep. Mac Thornberry


I recently invited Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13), fellow Texan and Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, to visit the 27th District to get a personal glimpse into the outstanding work of our service men and women here at home. I was pleased when he took me up on my offer by joining me at the 5th annual “Salute the Military” Luncheon in Corpus Christi. We also met with members of the South Texas Military Task Force that has been an advocate for our area bases.

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part IV – CIS


“For credibility, [CIS] will need to be independent of FAIR, though the Center for Immigration Studies, as we’re calling it, is starting off as a project of FAIR.”
-John Tanton, letter to Cordelia Scaife

Below are the backgrounds of Center for Immigration Studies’ Principals and Directors. These are some of CIS’s most strident environmentalists, liberal Democrats, and abortion advocates. Read more about Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part IV – CIS


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