Jan Morgan

Jan Morgan's picture

Jan is an Associated Press Award Winning Veteran television investigative journalist, now turned citizen activist for the Conservative Movement. Her Conservative voice has generated a following of over 350,000 friends and subscribers on her website and three Facebook pages, “Jan Morgan,” “Jan Morgan Media,” and “Jan On America,” which led to her being selected the first Facebook Conservative Rockstar by Red White and Blue News.

During her 27 years as a television anchor and reporter, Jan’s work won Associated Press awards in spot news, documentary, and best continuing coverage. Jan’s most recent work that is gaining national exposure is her investigative documentary, “Rampant InJustice“. Her article, “My AR 15 is NOT an Assault Rifle” generated a firestorm in responses when featured on “The Daily Caller”, “Patriot Update” and JANMORGANMEDIA.COM.

Jan currently anchors a 30-minute television program in her home state. Jan has co-hosted American Akbar, an international radio blog program with Counter-Terrorism expert Gadi Adelman, is a frequent guest commentator on The Armstrong Williams Show in Washington DC, and has appeared as a guest on Fox radio in Atlanta Georgia, and Conservative Talk radio in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Arkansas, California, Nevada, Illinois, and Arizona, as well as the America Family Radio in Mississippi.

Jan is NRA Certified in firearms/range safety and recently completed her testing to become a state certified concealed carry instructor in her home state of Arkansas.

Jan has aligned with Patriot Close Combat Consultants to teach “Armed and Female” classes across the country, a hand to hand combat and firearms self defense class specifically geared toward women.

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