UNHRC Resolution: 'International Solidarity' In Addressing Poverty
A resolution adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on July 24, 2013 contains language and intentions which could at best be described as Socialistic or Communist in nature. The title of the resolution is “Human Rights and International Solidarity.”
The resolution seeks to ensure the concept of “international solidarity” is included in all efforts to help or aid poor nations, and that “costs and burdens” are “distributed fairly” in “accordance with the basic principles of social justice.” The resolution also asserts that poor peoples are victims of wealthier peoples by using the term “marginalized,” a far left term used to assign victimhood to low income peoples denoting the impoverished are not simply poor but poverty was imposed on them.
The document further asserts that low-income peoples deserve the help from wealthier peoples:
...global challenges must be managed in a way that distributes costs and burdens fairly, in accordance with the basic principles of equity and social justice, and that those who suffer or benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most.
Some highlights from the UNHRC resolution can be seen below, along with the resolution in full:
- “...international solidarity is not limited to international assistance and cooperation, aid, charity or humanitarian assistance; it is a broader concept and principle that includes sustainability in international relations, especially international economic relations, the peaceful coexistence of all members of the international community, equal partnerships and the equitable sharing of benefits and burdens;
- “Recognizing that the attention paid to the importance of international solidarity as a vital component of the efforts made by developing countries to realize the right to development of their peoples and to promote the full enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights by everyone has been insufficient.”
- “Reaffirming also the fact that the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the realization of the right to development call for a more enlightened approach, mindset and action based on a sense of community and international solidarity...”
- “Persuaded that sustainable development can be promoted by peaceful coexistence, friendly relations and cooperation among States with different social, economic or political systems...”
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