
An “all of the above” approach to energy issues is what’s needed in a changing world. Oil and gas power the world. That’s reality. So, any change in how our energy demands are met needs to be market-driven and not dictated by Washington bureaucrats. Texas is a major oil and gas producer but we’re also number one in wind energy, for example. That innovation was brought about by free market thinking, not big government intervention.
The first week of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris, France can be summed up in one word: nonsense.
The president’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline is a win for environmental extremists, but a loss for Americans. Years of independent analysis have clearly shown the project would not exacerbate carbon pollution...
A place carries a continuity of knowledge and passes it from generation to generation. How the place works, what makes it turn.When there’s disruption in this continuity, learning transpires by costly lessons of what the...
America is now the world’s largest producer of oil and gas thanks to new drilling and extraction techniques. Texas plays a huge role. Last year, our State accounted for 37 percent of all crude oil produced domestically, with...
The United States is the largest producer of petroleum and natural gas, yet outdated regulations – such as the crude oil export ban – hold our economy back from reaping the benefits that would come from being a key energy...
We have new studies discussing natural events' involvement in climate change, collapsing the entire theoretic apparatus that climate alarmists have built.
This December marks 40 years since Congress passed the crude oil export ban – an antiquated law created in response to disruptions in global supply in the 1970s.
Last week, President Obama announced a controversial new rule requiring a federally-mandated 32% cut in power-plant carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, while requiring the U.S. to achieve 28% of our total electricity from...
Monday I released the following statement in response to the EPA’s final rule to regulate emissions from U.S. power plants. The final rule goes a step further than drafts issued in 2013 and last summer, mandating power...
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that EPA must consider cost before deciding whether the Mercury Air Toxics regulation is appropriate and necessary to regulate under the Clean Air Act.
I issued the following statement after voting to support two Senate-passed measures that block job-killing EPA regulations: the Congressional Disapproval of the EPA’s CO2 Rule for Existing Power Plants (S.J. Res. 24) and the...
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bernie Sanders may oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, but that doesn't mean either potential Democratic presidential nominee wants to be talking about it once their primary is settled.
The ink has not even dried on the President’s reckless nuclear deal with Iran and Tehran is already testing the limits.
Imagine American-made energy coursing through a stronger U.S. economy and flowing to our allies around the world - in Ukraine, Europe and the Baltic states. This is Putin’s worst nightmare and a dream for the millions of...
Earlier this week, I joined the North American Gas Forum’s Legislative Panel to discuss energy opportunities in the United States. The panel was made up of members of Congress and energy industry experts.
Under the President's nuclear deal, the United States agreed to give the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism a billion-dollar oil boom. The United States will allow Iran to export its crude oil, but ironically, it...
Tuesday I released the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced plans for new regulations restricting methane emissions. The proposed rule would impose costly new restrictions on oil and...
News continues to get worse for the former head of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), Dr. Rajendra Pachauri. The former top man at IPCC last week resigned from his remaining job, head of...
Now, a Nobel prize winning scientist has called the position taken by the Pope, as endorsed by Barack Obama, "dead wrong". I will not further paraphrase or otherwise highlight the article, as I feel it speaks for itself....
Wednesday, I praised H.R. 2042, the Ratepayer Protection Act of 2015 in a hearing on the economic impacts of the Environmental Protection Agency’s plan to regulate power plants.



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