
An “all of the above” approach to energy issues is what’s needed in a changing world. Oil and gas power the world. That’s reality. So, any change in how our energy demands are met needs to be market-driven and not dictated by Washington bureaucrats. Texas is a major oil and gas producer but we’re also number one in wind energy, for example. That innovation was brought about by free market thinking, not big government intervention.
With the passage of the health care reform bill over with, Obama has introduced a controversial new drilling plan. The New York Times reports:
Texas's own, three time elected official of the Texas Railroad Commission, and Voice of the previous Voice of the Texas GOP feature gave a well-received speech today at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Well that was awkward... Obama so confidently states that there is "overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change," to which he receives an overwhelmingly scathing round of laughter...
Several days ago I issued a statement on President Obama's cap-and-trade proposal. As has already been pointed out on a Texas GOP blog post, those that will suffer the most under this bill are my fellow Texans....
Obama's plan for 5 million green jobs could prove "to be terribly and economically counterproductive."
Thursday, I joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) in announcing the findings of critical new research on the severe impact federal climate change, or cap-and-trade, legislation would have on the Texas economy....
Today, I issued the following statement calling for action on the issues of trade, offshore energy production and tax relief for small businesses, which President Obama voiced his commitment for in last night’s State of the...
I have recently joined with more than 60 of my House colleagues in criticizing recent recommendations made by the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force. The task force, created by President Obama in June, was led by the White...
“So let it be written, so let it be done.”I have no idea what Pharaoh Ramses II looked like, but he will always have Yul Brenner’s voice in my head.  Pharaoh was the all-powerful God-leader of the Egyptians, the messiah on...



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