
An “all of the above” approach to energy issues is what’s needed in a changing world. Oil and gas power the world. That’s reality. So, any change in how our energy demands are met needs to be market-driven and not dictated by Washington bureaucrats. Texas is a major oil and gas producer but we’re also number one in wind energy, for example. That innovation was brought about by free market thinking, not big government intervention.
Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced their proposal to reform the Renewable Identification Number (RIN) market, and to allow for year-round sales of 15 percent ethanol (E15).
Huawei has recently become the world’s largest maker of inverters - the sophisticated control systems that have allowed the rapid expansion of residential and utility scale energy production.  Both large-scale photovoltaic...
U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry and I recently visited EnerVest, Ltd. to participate in a roundtable with senior executives from various oil and gas companies. Following the roundtable, Sec. Perry and I toured BP Energy’...
I am pleased to see the EPA move forward with its policy of allowing for temporary hardship relief from its annual Renewable Volume Obligations. While renewable fuels play an important role in our country’s all-of-the-above...
A new report by research firm IHS Markit says oil production from the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico could more than double by 2023.
America’s oil and gas industry is a force multiplier for U.S. influence around the world. For decades, many of the planet’s great energy producers have been tyrannical regimes who leveraged their oil wealth to oppress their...
Harnessing the power of the stars here on Earth could supply our future energy needs. If we replicate the same nuclear reactions that occur in a star within a fusion reactor, the heat from these reactions could be converted...
"There you go again," was the rebuke from former California Governor Ronald Reagan.
I recently participated in a town hall at Philadelphia Energy Solutions with refinery workers from along the East Coast. There, I met with and took questions from employees, and toured the facility. 
The world knows that President Trump doesn’t play. And our partners finally feel the protection that comes from being on Team America.So when the Chinese violated the sanctions imposed on North Korea by selling them oil,...
Dark smoke from the fire continues to billow over the plant and can be seen for miles. Emergency officials said early Monday that no air quality readings from the fire "have exceeded action levels." 
Today, I joined the Department of Energy Secretary, Rick Perry, in hosting a roundtable with North Texas energy industry leaders on making America energy independent. 
The state is breaking records for electricity use at a time when power reserves have dropped.
While world leaders and CEOs of global companies are in town for the 2018 World Gas Conference, U.S. Representatives Denny Heck (WA-10) and I introduced the Protect European Energy Security Act. The bill requires the...
Last week the House passed a “minibus” appropriations package for Fiscal Year 2019, a $15 billion rescissions package, and a critical bill to curtail gang violence in our communities.
Remember the Clinton campaign slogan, “It’s the economy, stupid.” The above title will never see the light of day in the House hearing of EPA Director Scott Pruitt any more than it did with the leftist ideologues who...
More than a half-year after Hurricane Harvey flooded America’s largest corridor of energy and petrochemical plants, records show the storm’s environmental assault was more widespread and severe than authorities publicly...
So former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R?) wants big oil to put a warning label on all products that contain fossil fuel.  He recently stated that
In the interest of bringing not so popular information to your attention, I thought you might find the article below of interest.  Besides all of the currently known positive features of nuclear plants, there is yet...
I appeared on Fox News’ ‘The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino,’ The Sean Hannity Radio Show, and KTRH’s Michael Berry show on Thursday and Friday.



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