
An “all of the above” approach to energy issues is what’s needed in a changing world. Oil and gas power the world. That’s reality. So, any change in how our energy demands are met needs to be market-driven and not dictated by Washington bureaucrats. Texas is a major oil and gas producer but we’re also number one in wind energy, for example. That innovation was brought about by free market thinking, not big government intervention.
In the interest of bringing not so popular information to your attention, I thought you might find the article below of interest.  Besides all of the currently known positive features of nuclear plants, there is yet...
I appeared on Fox News’ ‘The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino,’ The Sean Hannity Radio Show, and KTRH’s Michael Berry show on Thursday and Friday.
In previous columns, I discussed the failure of the Climate Alarmist’s science as well as the designation of many within the alarmist’s camp that real problem is not CO2 levels but living human beings, who are all CO2...
This final week of negotiations at the United Nations meeting in Bonn, Germany, can be summed up in a few words from Karl Marx, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
(Throughout this article, I purposely use the word man-made in front of climate change to be more accurate since the debate about climate change is not if climate change exists, it does, but what causes it.
Energy produced by wind and solar cannot replace the amount produced by coal and gas, but nuclear can, stated two prominent spokesmen during the climate change meeting in Bonn, Germany.
Certain young Americans severely infected with political correctness, called Snowflakes, are in Bonn, Germany, for the United Nations Climate Change meeting to make DEMANDS. They call themselves the “U.S.
It’s no secret that our tax system is outdated, overly complicated, and full of loopholes, and anyone in Washington can tell you that tax reform – especially bipartisan tax reform – isn’t easy. 
Today on the Senate floor, I stressed the importance of Congress quickly passing emergency aid for Texans in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Excerpts of my remarks are below, and video of my remarks can be found here....
Donald Trump did the right thing by saying goodbye to the Paris agreement and if nothing else, it will begin an honest debate on climate change science, which if truth be told, is dismal.  The other aspect is that for the...
The world knows that President Trump doesn’t play. And our partners finally feel the protection that comes from being on Team America.So when the Chinese violated the sanctions imposed on North Korea by selling them oil,...
U.S. Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and I yesterday issued the following statement regarding the Government of Venezuela’s detainment of six CITGO executives from Texas:
President Trump’s energy agenda assures a bright future for Americans. He and his delegation did an amazing job defending free market capitalism, national sovereignty, and our standard of living in Bonn without pandering to...
You don’t have to be a PhD to understand the fallacy of what passes for Climate Change Science. In my last two pieces, I made the observations that the warming we are witnessing is not unprecedented. The basis of climate...
Property rights are foundational to American liberty. Our Declaration of Independence reads, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain...
If you want to understand why many Americans no longer trust the media, take the recent case in which the media attacked Secretary of Energy Rick Perry for a statement that he did not actually make. Perry was quoting an...
The United Nations is hosting its latest “climate change” meeting in Bonn, Germany, November 6-17. This 23rd Conference of the Parties of the UN Climate Change treaty is different than others I’ve attended since 1997 in...
Today's repeal of the so-called Clean Power Plan marks the next crucial step in a new era of transparency based on sound science. Through several hearings and oversight of the former administration's overregulation, the...
Over more than 70 years we have developed a strong strategic partnership with India. We have a lot in common when it comes to national security and counterterrorism.
According to a report sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, remaining in the Paris Climate Accord would cost the American economy and workers 6.5 million jobs and $3 trillion in economic growth by 2040. 



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