Second Amendment

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, as ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, says, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The following is a legislative alert from the NRA-Institute for Legislative Action:The Texas Legislature passed a record number of pro-gun measures before adjourning its 2013 regular session on Memorial Day. A number of...
Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy (D) has a grave misunderstanding of the 2nd Amendment and demonstrated his lack of knowledge recently in front of millions of Americans during a recent interview with Rachel Maddow.Here’s an...
Perhaps Democrats are right about guns getting into the wrong hands. In Cleburne, Texas (Johnson County), the "wrong hands" would include an intoxicated Democrat County Chairman.
GUNS SAVE LIVES.2.5 million times last year, Americans brandished a firearm in order to defend and preserve life.In most of those cases, the trigger was never pulled.The government, federal or state, DOES NOT have the...
The defense rested today in the second degree murder persecution of George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is standing trial on trumped up charges after the States Attorney bowed public pressure and filed charges against Zimmerman...
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, has been celebrated by conservatives and maligned by liberals and the mainstream media (isnt that the same thing?) for decades. Having served under three Republican...
The following notice was sent out by the NRA's Institute for Legislative Affairs:The Texas Legislature adjourned its regular session on Memorial Day after passing fifteen pro-Second Amendment measures, and was immediately...
Once again, the Democrat Party is about to prove they are not at all interested in actually solving our nations immigration problem. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) admitted yesterday morning on Fox and Friends that the bill he...
The following press release was sent out by the NRA's Institute for Legislative Affairs:As we reported last month, on April 2, the United Nations General Assembly voted 153-4 to pass the Arms Trade Treaty, with the United...
Much has been said about the shortage of ammunition. Rumors (and some verified facts) have been abundant about DHS and other federal agencies stockpiling ammo. During the NRA Annual Meeting held in Houston earlier this month...
The new anti-Stand Your Ground video is a perfect example of Deception by Omission… which is also, by the way, what most mainstream media is guilty of doing on a daily basis in their presentation of the news.In addition, as...
All the hoopla over the Zimmerman verdict, the threat of violence, and all the other predictions that the media and the Obama administration and race-pimps ginned up, and poof…nothing. The biggest civil rights trial of the...
In a remarkably well-researched piece titled “You Are Not Trayvon Martin,” Slate’s William Saletan challenged several fallacies influencing perceptions and reactions to the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The piece was not...
Although I’ve been rather quiet about the George Zimmerman case, I’ve had many opinions throughout the proceedings.I’ve generally not wanted to talk about it because, overall, it is just a local crime story that’s gotten out...
The 2nd Amendment: The Right to Defend the American DreamI spoke at The Liberty Councils annual event “The Awakening 2013″ in Orlando, Florida. Below is my speech:
The following is a release by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action:While transportation, pro-life and juvenile justice issues have been added to the call for the current special session, the NRA has been informed that...
The following was sent in from Attorney General Greg Abbott:Your Liberty -- as a United States citizen -- was weakened and threatened yesterday when the Obama Administration helped the United Nations pass the Arms Trade...
On the last day of the 2013 NRA Annual Meeting, I had the opportunity to sit down with board member Grover Norquist to discuss the NRA Board and the politics related to the 2nd Amendment. Norquist explained the makeup of the...
Following are my photographs from Day 1 of the 142nd Annual Meeting of the National Rifle Association.  This set captures some of the great speakers in addition to the thousands of members on the convention floor.
The following is a press release from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action:Things haven't been very good for President Obama lately. Last week, Congress heard from witnesses concerning his administration's fatal failures...



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