Muslim Brotherhood

Following World War II, the collapse of former colonial empires across the Middle East and Africa, rapidly led to the development of anti-colonial movements.These anti-colonial movements developed into a number of...
The Muslim Brotherhood has a documented plan for the destruction of America from within. Our own FBI discovered this plan and yet, our government allows these islamic terror training camps to operate here in America. Watch...
All around Israel things are in tremendous turmoil.To Israel's south, Egypt is experiencing its worst period of unrest in 50 years. There is no elected government, and there won't be until next year. The economy is on a...
What we have seen within the last two days in the Middle East is nothing short of an organized, massive uprising against the United States by radical Muslim nations. This anti-American uprising occurring in Egypt, Libya,...
The U.S. State Department announced Friday that the USA will resume its massive foreign aid giveaway of $1.5 Billion to Egypt. Since Congress passed a law in December prohibiting funding unless the State Department...
There is one word to describe Obama’s foreign policy, incomprehensible. No one can truly make sense of this policy other than to say, if it is the wrong move, it will be done. Case in point, Libya. Obama procrastinated...
US DEBT"Those Voices Dont Speak for the Rest of Us"The masses are restless. Don’t you feel it, can’t you see it? We all thought that through the Tea Party movement, we the people could...
First you should understand that I am not involved with international diplomacy or even travel, and see things not from the ground but from the bird’s eye perspective of mass-communications and history. But many media...
At this writing, Egypt remains in turmoil. The land of the Pharaohs, the Nile River that Moses floated down as a baby, and the country Jesus spent his early childhood in is again facing historic if not so world-changing...
Yeserday I reintroduced two bills, alongside Congressman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Florida) respectively, that will protect Americans from the threat of radical Islamic terror, directing...
A court in Egypt sentenced 529 supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to death convicting them of murder for the killing of a police officer in the rioting last summer in the city of Minya.According to an...
Ann Althouse recently asked the question, “Has Hillary Clinton ever registered an actual accomplishment?” Good question, since her major accomplishment as the Secretary of State is to leave the Middle East imploding as she...
I know Israel, I thought the office of the President was concerned with the most pressing issues of our day too. How dumb are we for thinking that the President of the United States would take the time to meet with you?...
"He is someone I consider a friend. He knows he is a son of Africa. Regardless of his African belonging, he is of Arab Sudanese descent, or of Muslim descent.
Under Obama America is Moving More Rapidly Toward One-World GovernmentIn this world, there is no end to civil strife, wars and tribal fighting . While sending mixed messages about why we injected ourselves...
Iranium (Full Movie) - Walid - Documenting the Islamic ideology ...The Middle East is a powder keg waiting to explode. The Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak has been replaced by a powerful voice Yusuf Al-Qaradawi...
“I am fed up. After 62 years of public service, I have had enough. I want to go…If I resign today there will be chaos… I was very unhappy about yesterday. I do not want to see Egyptians fighting each other.” - Egyptian...

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