April 27th, 2015
When our Founders placed Art. V in our Constitution, they could not have envisioned the harmful changes in the moral, social, technological, demographic, economic, and public and higher education that have taken place...
April 24th, 2015
The most common fearmongering tactic used by opponents is to claim an Article V convention could become a “runaway convention” and rewrite the Constitution. All one has to do is read and study Article V to understand this is...
April 20th, 2015
That point bears constant repetition, because this is the urgent thing that sets Cruz apart. Utah Senator Mike Lee was asked to comment on all three announced Republican candidates. He said each (Cruz, Paul, Rubio) was a...
March 5th, 2015
Last week, we saw an example of executive overreach through an executive edict issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The draft regulations seek to ban common rifle ammunition – yet another...
January 29th, 2015
San Diego voters have a right to know who is trying to influence our local elections. Yet a proposal going before the County Board of Supervisors will mean more dark money and less transparency in our local politics.
January 20th, 2015
On January 8, 1790, President George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address. In the 225 years since his address, the American Republic that the Founders left us has largely disappeared. There is very...
January 13th, 2015
In early December, an assistant professor at University of Iowa, Serhat Tanyolacar, installed a KKK robed sculpture to begin a debate on racism. Whatever his intention, the message did not get through and caused a firestorm...
December 9th, 2014
Gun owners in Nevada have a new best friend in Republican Assemblywoman Michele Fiore of Las Vegas!Fiore is the newly designated Assembly Majority Leader and she is on a mission to defeat liberalism.Fiore, in an interview...
October 22nd, 2014
As we all are aware, there are judges who sit on the bench and follow the law but there are others who try to make the law. As Texans we want our Judiciary to follow the laws of the US and Texas Constitutions and Texas laws...
September 26th, 2014
I don’t shop at Target anymore because they favor criminals over law abiding citizens and seem to think, based on their new policy, that disarming law abiding citizens for the criminals is a way to create a “family friendly...
April 27th, 2015
In this New York Times article by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, he's on the side of religious liberty, and already I hear mockers on the left saying he just supports discrimination.
April 21st, 2015
On FOX New Sunday, Chris Wallace interviewed two possible 2016 candidates for president of The United States in 2016, who displayed a stark indifference to the most fundamental principles of The Constitution. Democrats of...
April 15th, 2015
Officers are not just agents of the law. They are keepers of the peace. Attempting to separate an upset mother from her child is asking for trouble.
February 27th, 2015
How do you solve a problem like the old Confederacy? For conservatives, about 50% of what those who took up arms 154 years ago against the President of the United States is in direct conflict with the most basic principles...
January 27th, 2015
Local control versus centralized control has long been a dividing line between the left and the right for ages. In fact, the Federalists that wrote the US Constitution were implicit that they wanted a system of government...
January 15th, 2015
Radical Anjem Choudary and Tanya Cohen have something in common, they hate free speech and want it controlled. In his essay in USA Today, Choudary made it clear that he doesn’t accept the Western concept of free speech as he...
January 12th, 2015
The Red Ryder BB gun is a ghost of Christmas past because, this year, Santa gave drones. Here a drone, there a drone, everywhere a drone. Just more eyes in the sky, and these eyes could be anywhere and on any person. How...
November 24th, 2014
Much has been said and little can be added to the criticism of our current president and his unilateral action to legalize many of those here illegally, clearly against the will of Congress and the American people.Though oft...
October 8th, 2014
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected yesterday that the annual deficit will double over the next 10 years, despite recent attempts by President Obama to claim credit for reducing spending:Behind the façade of...
September 19th, 2014
It is a sad reality that President Obama refuses to come to Congress with a clear strategy to destroy ISIS and protect our U.S. security interests. It is my hope that Republicans can convince him to propose a clear plan,...