Herman Cain

A year ago, I wrote a story about Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan and of course one leftist troll simply stated that Cain was nuts and didn’t bother with explaining why. Cain’s own philosophy was then, and still is, to find a path...
Sunday evening August 26th 2012---in Tampa. It is cloudy, muggy, and 79 degrees. It’s drizzling but no hurricane yet!We saw Herman Cain at the Tampa International Airport yesterday while we were waiting for our luggage. He...
This past week, I participated in the Cain's Solutions Revolution on the Hill. Cain’s goal was to reunite the Tea Party leaders, grassroots activists of his campaign, and create a new Army of David’s to pound the street for...
Henry Hazlet in his classic book, Economics in One Easy Lesson, noted that the key to understanding economics is not just to look at who benefits today from an anticipated economic policy but to look at the long run...
Most or even all of the sexual harassment claims against Herman Cain were, in the view of many voters, completely contrived, or brazenly embellished by Democrat operatives, and published by their allies in the media. This...
Envy is a destructive force that undermines society for it doesn’t engender growth or progress but is a bureaucratization of society to enforce a false equality of results. America was designed and still is considered a...
It would appear that the Cain “sexual harassment” scandal is petering out and for the simple reason; the evidence is weak and it's becoming more apparent that this was more of a hit job than a real scandal. As Ann Coulter...
Government is necessary for only some essentials restraints. America’s founders designed a republic of freedom constrained only by a few very fundamental moral principles; the protection of life,...
This is a human interest story about Paul Hines supporting his candidate of choice. On the evening of November 5, after the Herman Cain/Newt Gingrich Debate, returning to my room I saw an awesome looking car with the names...
Peter Ferrara.JPG
After Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich finished with the bloggers in the TexasGOPVote blogger room, we were joined by Gingrich adviser Peter Ferrara. Ferrera discussed a wide variety of economic topics with several of the...
Having finished reading the “Growth and Opportunity Project” report from a blue ribbon panel appointed by Chairman Reince Priebus, it reported seven different areas for improvement in the next campaign cycle. Each area...
At a work show, I once stood behind a man at the booth of a very large and well-known corporation that was advertising a position. Looking at the duties, the man was saying that he had done exactly those things in his work...
Now that the Liberal mainstream media has decided what we should think about our GOP candidates, it may be time we take a good hard look at them through their eyes.
No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. - George WashingtonThere is nothing more critical, more pressing than to have a...
The Newt And Herman Debate—America is “Entitled” to More Like This - "Critics complained that Newt and Herman agreed too much—so we cannot call this a debate. But that was what was so great. They were not looking for reasons...
To listen to the debate: www.c-span.org/Events/Cain-Gingrich-Debate-Lincoln-Douglas-StyleBloggers from throughout Texas were invited to attend the Cain-Gingrich Debate held on November 5 at The Woodlands Resort and...
There was no debate between Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain. It was a discussion, at best with Mr. Gingrich taking command of the stage while waxing philosophically about the issues. His command of the topics and language...



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