Sens. Cruz, Cornyn Introduce Range of Measures to Boost Texas Water Supply and Secure Compliance By Mexico of Water Treaty


U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) introduced several legislative measures to ensure that U.S. diplomats and officials of the U.S. Read more about Sens. Cruz, Cornyn Introduce Range of Measures to Boost Texas Water Supply and Secure Compliance By Mexico of Water Treaty

DeSantis Drops in Florida Polls as the State Reels from Effects of Immigration Bill

The passage of FL state SB 1718 has cast a shadow over the state's economy and has had consequences not only for local businesses and residents, but also for Governor Ron DeSantis's political standing in Florida’s Republican presidential primary election polls. Read more about DeSantis Drops in Florida Polls as the State Reels from Effects of Immigration Bill

Roy, Vance & Gaetz Demand Full Accounting of Ukraine Aid


Representative Chip Roy (R-TX-21) along with Senator JD Vance (R-OH) and Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL-1) demanded a full accounting of U.S. funding to Ukraine from Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to President Biden, following reports of major discrepancies between various Biden administration statements. Read more about Roy, Vance & Gaetz Demand Full Accounting of Ukraine Aid

Rep. Van Duyne Votes to Release New Evidence Exposing the Depth of Biden Family Corruption, Conspiracy to Sweep Under the Rug


Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne, a member of the House Committee on Ways and Means, voted to release new documents further detailing Joe Biden’s connections to his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings and the conspiracy to prevent investigators from pursuing incriminating evidence related to Joe Biden. Read more about Rep. Van Duyne Votes to Release New Evidence Exposing the Depth of Biden Family Corruption, Conspiracy to Sweep Under the Rug

Probing Chinese Nationals Access to U.S. Military Bases


Recently, individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party have been committing acts of espionage on U.S. soil and testing security practices at U.S. military installations and other U.S. government sites. For instance, some Chinese nationals were reportedly detected crossing into a U.S. Read more about Probing Chinese Nationals Access to U.S. Military Bases

Mayorkas Appoints Hunter Biden Laptop-Deniers to "Experts Group"


Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas recently appointed former CIA Director James Clapper and former DNI Director John Brennan to a "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group" where they will advise on matters of national security.  Read more about Mayorkas Appoints Hunter Biden Laptop-Deniers to "Experts Group"

Advocating for our Men and Women in Uniform


I was selected by my colleagues to be a key negotiator in the budgeting process to craft the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with my colleagues in the Senate. 

I am honored and humbled to have been entrusted with this important responsibility to advocate for our military heroes—including those at Goodfellow Air Force Base and Fort Cavazos.  Read more about Advocating for our Men and Women in Uniform

Rep. Chip Roy fights to repeal the FACE Act


Representative Chip Roy (R-TX-21) introduced legislation to repeal the unconstitutional and weaponized Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act; Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) will lead companion legislation in the Senate. Read more about Rep. Chip Roy fights to repeal the FACE Act


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