The 14th Annual Childhood Cancer Summit


This week, I had the privilege of hosting our 14th annual Childhood Cancer Summit. 

After watching my childhood best friend pass away from leukemia in 4th grade, a permanent mark was left on my life. When I entered Congress 20 years ago, I realized that all the cancer research, treatment, and therapies were focused on the adults—not the children.  Read more about The 14th Annual Childhood Cancer Summit

Sen. Cruz Cosponsors Bill to Block Biden Administration From Expanding the Scope of the Endangered Species Act


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement after cosponsoring a bill to retain the existing regulations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), regulations first put in place by the Trump administration, and to halt the finalization of three new rule proposals from the Departments of the Interior and Commerce. Read more about Sen. Cruz Cosponsors Bill to Block Biden Administration From Expanding the Scope of the Endangered Species Act

Evangelical Leaders Respond to Judicial Ruling Against DACA, Implore Congress to Act Quickly

In a letter to Members of Congress, prominent evangelical denominations, ministries and organizations explain that the eventual termination of DACA presents “a foreseeable crisis on the near horizon,” when an estimated 600,000 current DACA beneficiaries could lose their work authorization, with ripple effects for their families, churches and the economy. Read more about Evangelical Leaders Respond to Judicial Ruling Against DACA, Implore Congress to Act Quickly

Blocking the Biden Administration from Controlling Free Speech


I introduced legislation this week with Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ronny Jackson to protect free speech and ban the Department of Homeland Security from forming a Disinformation Governance Board. Read more about Blocking the Biden Administration from Controlling Free Speech

House Budget Committee Advances Rep. Arrington's Budget Resolution

The House Budget Committee passed the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY2024-FY2033, which would reduce the deficit by $16 trillion and balance the federal budget in 10 years. The budget resolution was passed out of Committee by a vote of 20-14. Read more about House Budget Committee Advances Rep. Arrington's Budget Resolution

Concern About the White House's Iran Hostage Deal


The Biden administration waived sanctions to allow the transfer of frozen funds for Iran as part of the hostage release deal. The Americans held by Iran are innocent hostages who must be released immediately and unconditionally. Read more about Concern About the White House's Iran Hostage Deal

Rep. Tony Gonzales Condemns New Mexico Governor's Anti-2A Agenda


Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) joined a House Resolution to condemn New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham for her “emergency public health order” that prohibits the open and concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque and its surrounding county, including city sidewalks and park Read more about Rep. Tony Gonzales Condemns New Mexico Governor's Anti-2A Agenda

Standing up for the Second Amendment


I joined my colleagues in introducing a  Read more about Standing up for the Second Amendment

Texas AG Ken Paxton Acquitted!


Congratulations to General Ken Paxton for not surrendering!  After two weeks of relentless negative media noise that conservative Texans endured during the Impeachment trial, the Texas Senate proved that that’s exactly what it was, noise.  The testimony by witnesses for the prosecution gave the defense fodder to prove that there was no evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict Attorney General Paxton. Read more about Texas AG Ken Paxton Acquitted!

Protecting Your Freedom to Drive a Gas-Powered Car


The House recently Passed H.R. 1435, the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act, which prevents the EPA from imposing new regulations that would ban sales of new motor vehicles with gas-powered internal combustion engines. Read more about Protecting Your Freedom to Drive a Gas-Powered Car


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