Fighting for Affordable, Reliable Rural Broadband


This week, the Communications and Technology Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce held a Federal Communication Commission (FCC) oversight hearing on President Biden's broadband takeover. The last time the FCC testified before Congress, the committee highlighted the need for everyone, everywhere, especially rural Americans, to access affordable and reliable broadband. Read more about Fighting for Affordable, Reliable Rural Broadband

No Funding for Terrorism


Last week my amendment strengthening  Read more about No Funding for Terrorism

Sen. Cruz Applauds Bipartisan House Vote in Support of Resolution to Secure Water for Texas Farmers

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement after the passage of Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz’s (R-Texas) resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives highlighting that Texas farmers are experiencing acute water shortages and supporting diplomacy to ensure that Mexico fulfills its treaty obligations to provide annual deliveries of water. Read more about Sen. Cruz Applauds Bipartisan House Vote in Support of Resolution to Secure Water for Texas Farmers

ICYMI: “Republicans must meet the moment”

On Tuesday, Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) penned an op-ed on the Washington Examiner calling on Republicans to meet the moment and press in on spending accountability. Read more about ICYMI: “Republicans must meet the moment”

NEW STUDY: Up to 2.1 Million Construction Workers Are Illegally Misclassified by their Employers

With DOL Independent Contractor rule imminent, report is the first ever state-by-state breakdown of how many workers are being shortchanged by their employers

Misclassification puts law-abiding employers at a significant cost disadvantage and amounts to tax fraud by corporations that skirt the law. These practices degrade the construction industry while cheating taxpayers and undercutting businesses and workers who follow the rules. Read more about NEW STUDY: Up to 2.1 Million Construction Workers Are Illegally Misclassified by their Employers

Cornyn Reiterates Call for Border Policy Changes in National Security Supplemental


On the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the Senate’s lengthy end-of-year to-do list and reiterated his call for any national security supplemental funding bill to include substantive border policy changes. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“The end of the year is always a busy time here in Congress.” Read more about Cornyn Reiterates Call for Border Policy Changes in National Security Supplemental

Punishing Law-Abiding Citizens Won’t Reduce Violent Crime

In the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) served as Ranking Member and rebuked Democrats’ efforts to punish law-abiding gun owners under the guise of public health. Read more about Punishing Law-Abiding Citizens Won’t Reduce Violent Crime

Chairman Arrington Delivers Opening Statement at Hearing on Fiscal Commission Legislative Proposals

Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) delivered opening remarks at the House Budget Committee’s hearing to examine several legislative proposals to create a bipartisan fiscal commission.
Read more about Chairman Arrington Delivers Opening Statement at Hearing on Fiscal Commission Legislative Proposals

Congressman August Pfluger Invites High School Students To Apply For Congressional Youth Advisory Council

U.S. Representative August Pfluger is pleased to announce the re-launch of the Congressional Youth Advisory Council (CYAC) for high school juniors and seniors in the 11th Congressional District of Texas. This esteemed program offers a unique opportunity for passionate and driven young leaders to engage with government, collaborate with peers, and serve their communities. Read more about Congressman August Pfluger Invites High School Students To Apply For Congressional Youth Advisory Council

Much to be Thankful For


Despite the chaos and hardships facing our world, I'm grateful for the opportunity to reflect on all there is to be thankful for. We are extremely blessed to live in the United States of America — the land of the free — and I'm thankful my constituents have entrusted me to serve our district and the country I love. Read more about Much to be Thankful For


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